"...Thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.”
(Psalm 138:2).
The Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible is God’s providentially
appointed Word for the whole world which reveals the name of the Father as
“Jehovah”, and the name of His Son, “Jesus”, in whom there is salvation, and the
name of the “Holy Ghost”, Who indwells every born-again Christian believer.
The standard text of the Pure Cambridge Edition of the King James Bible has
been published on this website. You are free to download this definitive
electronic text of the King James Bible (KJB). The actual King James Bible text
of the Pure Cambridge Edition (PCE) has been presented free of any typographical
error, and is completely correct. It is scrupulously exact in typesetting right
down to the italics and punctuation.
This precise edition of the King James Bible is wholly based on the received traditional text as was published by Cambridge University Press and by Collins publishers. The English Bible has been providentially raised up by God for a great dissemination of the true Gospel.
The Cambridge Edition (first published circa 1900) is the product of the process of textual editing that has occurred since 1611 when the Authorized Version was completed. Please note that there've been no revisions of the Bible since the authorized 1611 King James Bible was first released, only editions (such as spelling standardization). There is nothing wrong with the unedited Authorized 1611 King James Bible. It contains no errors. The standardization of English words does not mean that there are any errors in the original work. Some people refer to the Cambridge Edition as the “Pure Cambridge Edition,” but the word “pure” is improper, because the Words of the Lord are pure (Psalm 12:6-8). To refer to the Cambridge Edition as “pure” implies the the Authorized 1611 King James Bible is less pure or impure. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Authorized 1611 King James Version is pure, because God's Word is pure and the actual translation of the King James Bible has NOT been revised since 1611. So I deliberately refrain from using the word “pure” in reference to any particular edition of the King James Bible, because the original Authorized 1611 King James Bible is as 100% pure as the Cambridge Edition. My intent here is not to diminish the impeccable quality of the Cambridge Edition; but rather, to uphold the integrity, purity, inspiration and inerrancy of the Authorized 1611 Edition.
Also note that the “original” autographs of the Scriptures were in Heaven before God ever spoke the universe into existence. Psalm 119:89, "For ever, O LORD, Thy word is settled in heaven." Thus, the originals do not exist in Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic; but rather, in Heaven where they are settled forever. Before God ever created mankind, the last Word of Revelation was already recorded in Heaven. God's Words are inspired in any language. Don't let anyone discourage you by falsely claiming that the Authorized 1611 King James Bible is less than perfect. It is more than a masterpiece, or the best translation, it is God's perfect and inspired Word! The Cambridge Edition is simply a standardized English copy of God's perfect Word, which He wondrously gave to us in 1611.
The King James Bible is inspired and preserved. God's Word is inspired into whatever language it is translated. God never promised to inspire a language; but rather, His Words (Psalm 12:6-8). The Words of the Lord are pure. Those pseudo-scholars today who claim that only the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic are inspired are WRONG, because God's Word is inspired in English or any other language it is translated into. God's Words were given by inspiration. God promised to preserve those inspired Words and they will always be inspired. A man who teaches that the King James Bible is not inspired is a liar.The following downloadable files of the Holy Bible are presented for any use, including all forms of further publishing. Use this text as the definitive standard.
The following file requires a pdf reading program:
This online viewing file is also a ready-for-print file of the King James Bible in Plain Text Minion. You may utilise this for printing and binding your own Bible(s). Using paper thinner than 80gsm is strongly recommended. Features include:
- exact
PureCambridge Edition text of the King James Bible. - small page size (standard A5 size 148 x 210 mm with ample margins).
- uniform odd and even pages ready for print (single sided 904 pages, double = 452 sheets).
- page numbering, blank pages, title pages, contents and running book headings.
- with the correct text of The Epistle Dedicatory and The Translators to the Reader.
- clean text with classic Minion style typeface and characters.
- specifically designed for home printing or low budget print run, requires binding and cover.
The following file requires at least a document 2001 word processor and an unzipping program:
The following file can be viewed by most text programs and requires an unzipping program:
The following file can be viewed by all text programs and requires an unzipping program:
The following file in US letter paper size requires at least a document 2001 word processor and requires an uzipping program:
The following file can be viewed by all Web browser programs and requires an unzipping program
The following file can be viewed by all text programs and requires an unzipping program:
The following files can be viewed by all text programs and requires an unzipping program:
- King James Bible:
PureCambridge Edition: Allen SQLite3 Database Format (5.38 MB). - King James Bible:
PureCambridge Edition: Fruit MySQL Database File (4.35 MB).
Dr. Gerard J. Remillard’s epub and mobi forms. Epub is a free and open ebook standard by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF). Files have the extension *.epub. This ebook format is used on many ebook readers and can easily be converted into other ebook formats. The *.mobi or Mobipocket ebook format is based on the open ebook standard and has a full screen mode for reading and support for nearly all PDAs, communicators and smartphones. The Mobipocket format support almost all Windows, Symbian, BlackBerry and Palm operating systems. This ebook format can be used on just about all cell (mobile) phones, PDAs and every Amazon Kindle ebook reader and Kindle Fire/Kindle Fire HD tablet.
Yes, absolutely! A typographical error is not actually an "error" in the Bible, because it is only a presentation error. The fact is that any KJB (of the proper tradition) is still presenting the same text and translation that is correct. The issue is not about "errancy," but about presentation.
Since we do have an inerrant text and translation, yet there are many differing
editions of it, we also want to have the edition which has the standard
spelling. As a whole, the Cambridge Edition is this.
- “or Sheba” not “and Sheba” in Joshua 19:2
- “sin” not “sins” in 2nd Chronicles 33:19
- “Spirit of God” not “spirit of God” in Job 33:4
- “whom ye” not “whom he” in Jeremiah 34:16
- “Spirit of God” not “spirit of God” in Ezekiel 11:24
- “flieth” not “fleeth” in Nahum 3:16
- “Spirit” not “spirit” in Matthew 4:1
- “further” not “farther” in Matthew 26:39
- “bewrayeth” not “betrayeth” in Matthew 26:73
- “Spirit” not “spirit” in Mark 1:12
- “spirit” not “Spirit” in Acts 11:28
- “spirit” not “Spirit” in 1st John 5:8
Did God Only Inspire the Original Autographs of the Bible?
Dr. Jack Hyles (1926-2001) believed that the King James Bible is inspired, as every Christian who loves Jesus Christ does. Pastor Hyles was a champion for the King James Bible and soulwinning. The following quote is taken from his book, The Need for an Every-Word Bible, page 54...
“I'm tired of colleges and universities advertising that they use the King James Bible. Tell the whole story! Tell everyone that you do not believe that it is inspired word for word.”
—Dr. Jack Hyles
Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!
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