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Uplifting the King James Bible and the name of Jesus Christ in these Last Days, this blog is a ministry—a pulpit—exposing false prophets, deceptions and all manners of evil in its ugly forms. God loves sinners with an unconditional love—not because of who we are, but because of WHO HE IS. We are living in the “perilous times” foretold in 2nd Timothy 3:1-7. People are confused and apostasy abounds. Lost sinners need to hear the simple Gospel—that we are GUILTY sinners (Romans 3:19) saved by JESUS' RIGHTEOUSNESS (2nd Corinthians 5:21), which is by grace through faith alone in Christ. Amen!
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above every other name
(Philippians 2:9-10).
"...Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of
hosts." -Zechariah 4:6
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Doctrinal Statement
Statement of Faith for blog admin
I'm as narrow-minded as the Bible. Everything I believe is based upon
the TRUTH that the Bible is God's inspired Words. The Bible can be
summed up in one word—TRUTH (John 17:17).
I believe in the infallible, inspired Word of God. When I use the term “Word of God,” I believe it refers to the King James Bible as being the infallible, preserved, inerrant, inspired Word of God. I believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Bible. The Old and New Testament are definitely inspired word-for-word. I accept the Textus Receptus manuscripts from which came the King James Bible.
The Scripture is the Final Authority in all matters of faith, morals, and practice. I recognize the 1611 King James Bible as the fulfillment of God's promise to preserve His Word in Psalm 12:6-8. I believe that ALL modern translations are corrupt, which are based upon the heretical work of Westcott and Hort. I believe that the “original” autographs of the Word of God are in Heaven (Psalm 119:89). The King James Bible is definitely INSPIRED by God.
Before God ever spoke the universe into existence, the last Word of Revelation was already recorded in Heaven. God promised to preserve His “Words,” not a language. God's Words are inspired, regardless of the language into which they are translated. God's Word will always be inspired and preserved.
God speaks to us today through His Son (Hebrews 1:1,2), i.e., through the Word of God. Jesus is the Living Word (John 1:1-3,14; Revelation 19:13). Jesus commanded us... SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES! (John 5:39).
Catholicism's infamous “Mother Theresa” said before her death that she had never felt the presence of God in her life. Of course she didn't, she worshipped God in vain by following the traditions of men instead of obeying the Commandments of God (Mark 7:6-13). She rejected the saving power of the gospel (Romans 1:16). Matthew 22:29, “Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.” Genuine salvation means regeneration, being born anew of the Spirit of God by the Seed of God's Word (1st Peter 1:23). Catholics ignore the Bible, choosing rather to trust sinful priests who walk in darkness, the blind leading the blind.
In sharp contrast, true believers obey the Bible, trusting only Jesus to forgive their sins and save them; not the Church.
All Scripture quotes on this webpage are only from the precious King James Bible. Many heresies have crept into our churches because of corrupt versions of God's Word, especially the damnable New International Version (NIV). Why would anyone use the NIV? Our Final Authority on ALL matters of faith and living is the inspired and preserved Word of God, which in English is our beloved King James Bible.
Whether you like it or not, it's God's way or the highway. Literally, the Bible teaches that most people are traveling on a highway to Hell and destruction (Matthew 7:13-14). God doesn't play games. You go through Jesus to Heaven or you burn in the Lake of Fire. It's that simple. A poll revealed that only 7% of Americans believe the Bible. It is any wonder why America has gone to Hell in a wheelbarrow?
A genuine man of God preaches with authority, because the Bible is an authoritative Book, authored by an authoritative God. God is the divine Lawgiver. God is the Final Authority and His Word, Sola Scriptura, stands as the Final Word.
This is why so many people hate the precious King James Bible—It is Authoritative. Feminists hate an authoritative husband, and an authoritative pastor and an authoritative God.
I believe that there is a real, personal, God to Whom we
are commanded to pray as Christians. Prayer is not optional for the
genuine believer. Jesus warned about praying like the heathen do in
Matthew 6:7-8, who think they'll be heard for their much speaking. The
Bible rebukes all forms of formalized chants, recitals, vain repetition
and Rosaries. Some heathen psychologists have taught that prayer is a
helpful therapy, used as a form of meditation. May I say, this is
heathendom and not Biblical prayer. True prayer is dependence upon God.
Christians ought to be thankful to God and continually express their
gratitude in prayer as Philippians 4:6-7 and 1st Thessalonians 5:18
teach. In
Every Thing Give Thanks |
Atheism of Prayerlessness.
I believe that God is omnipotent (all-powerful), omnipresent (everywhere), and omniscient (knows all). I believe there is one God, eternally existent, Creator of Heaven and earth (Deuteronomy 6:4). He has manifested (revealed) Himself in three Persons, namely, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and these 3 Persons of the divine and blessed Godhead, are all co-eternal in being, co-identical in nature, co-equal in power and glory, and each partaking of the same attributes, nature, essence, infallibilities, disposition, character and perfections, and worthy of precisely the same homage, confidence, and obedience (Matt. 28:18–19; Mark 12:29; John 1:14; Acts 5:3–4; 2 Cor. 13:14; Heb. 1:1–3; Rev. 1:4–6; Deuteronomy 6:4; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9:6; Genesis 1:2; John 14:9; 1st Timothy 3:16; 1st John 5:7).
God is a Person, eternally existing as a Trinity in unity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—three Persons; and yet but one God (Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 28:19; 1st Corinthians 8:6). Although the word “Trinity” is not found in the Bible, the word “Godhead” most certainly is (Acts 17:29; Romans 1:20; Colossians 2:9). The Godhead became incarnate in the Person of Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:9; 1st Timothy 3:16). Modern perversions of the Bible completely remove the word “Godhead.”
Christians are not “polytheists” (belief in more than one god) because we do NOT believe in multiple gods. We believe there is one God Who has manifested (i.e., revealed) Himself and His nature to mankind in the form of a Godhead. Jesus Christ is called the “Everlasting Father” in Isaiah 9:6. In Revelation 1:8 Jesus identifies Himself as “The Almighty.” Jesus plainly declared that He and the Father are ONE, i.e., in nature and essence, and character, and disposition and infallibilities and perfections and in glory (John 10:30). Colossians 2:2 calls this the “mystery of God.” We don't have to understand Jesus Christ in perfect detail to be saved, we simply need to believe on Him (trust Him for forgiveness and salvation from hellfire) (Acts 16:31).
As stated before, I believe that the proper understanding of the Godhead (Trinity), is that there is One God, who eternally exists in 3 distinct, divine Persons, namely, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The sense in which the true God is One God, is certainly not in reference to the plurality of Persons in the Godhead, but rather, the proper and Biblical sense in which the true God is One God, is that God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit are all One God in essence, nature, character, disposition, and glory. I believe that each member of the Godhead, is equal to one another in every single capacity, and that no member of the Godhead is inferior to any other in essence or in nature. God could be described as a "unity of essence, nature, character, disposition, and glory, with a plurality of divine Persons, namely, three." Each Person of the Godhead is distinct from one another, yet they all possess the exact same nature and essence, and it is such that it is impossible for One member of the Godhead to exist without the other, because that is God's nature.
The Godhead is a mystery. To them who believe, no explanation is necessary; to them who believe not, no explanation is possible.
I believe that God the Father is One of the Three Persons of the eternally blessed Godhead, namely, the 1st Person, not in superiority or inferiority, but in order. God the Father is the self existent and eternal and everlasting God (Deut 33:27; Gen 21:33; Isa 40:28; Jer 10:10; Rom 16:26; Psa 90:2). God the Father is omnipresent (everywhere) (Jer 23:24; Pro 15:3), omniscient (all knowing) (Psa 147:5), and omnipotent (all powerful) (Gen 18:14; Job 42:2; Rev 19:6). God the Father is an eternal Spirit (John 4:24), which no man has seen at any time whatsoever (John 1:18; Col 1:15; 1 Tim 1:17). God the Father is immutable (unchangeable), only in respect to His divine nature, essence and disposition and character (Mal 3:6). God the Father is perfect (Matt 5:48). There is nobody exactly like God (Exod 9:14; Jer 10:6). God the Father is righteous (Ex 9:27;Jn 17:25; Ps 11:7). God the Father is merciful (Neh 9:17; 2 Sam 24:14).
I believe Jesus Christ is another One of the Three Persons of the Godhead, namely, the 2nd Person, not in inferiority or superiority, but rather in order. I believe that Christ and God the Father are One, i.e., One in essence, nature, character, disposition, infallibilities and perfections, hence God the Father and the LORD Jesus Christ are One God (John 10:30-33). The Bible makes it abundantly clear that Jesus Christ is the Almighty God (John 1:1-3; Phil 2:6; Col 2:9; Heb 1:8; 1 Tim 3:16; Rev 1:7). Christ was recognized as God as never rebuked the assertation, and thus, Christ must therefore be God (John 20:28). I believe that Jesus Christ was the true and living God in eternity past, but at the incarnation, added to His divine and essential nature as God, the nature of humanity, except without sin, and was born of a virgin, being conceived purely by the power of the Holy Spirit (Matt 1:18; 1:20; Isa 7:14). I believe that the purpose of Jesus Christ (God the Son), adding to His divine nature as God, the nature of humanity, was in order to redeem mankind from sin and the eternal penalty of sin (1 John 4:14), which is hell fire (Rom 6:23 with Rev 20:15).
I believe also in the eternal sonship of Christ, namely, that Jesus Christ was always "the Son of God". I believe that it is heresy to teach that Jesus Christ "became" the Son of God at His incarnation, which for some strange reason, is a rather popular belief. I believe that it is wrong to teach that "Son of God" only refers to Christ's humanity. To teach that the term "Son of God" is only referring to Christ as a man is wrong and heretical. I believe that Christ was the "Son of God" from eternity past, which the Old Testament itself clearly indicates (Psa 2:12). I believe that Jesus Christ was ALWAYS the "Son of God" and that there was never a time when He was not the Son of God. The phrase, "Son of...", is used in the Old Testament, simply to highlight the nature and characteristics of a person (1 Sam 14:52; Isa 19:11). In Num 23:19, the phrase "son of man", does not mean descendent of man, although that is clearly implied, but it means "having the same nature as man", and in the context, it means that God does not have the same "nature as a human being", which would cause a human to "repent" (change his mind). Although God is said to "repent" certain times (Gen 6:6; Exod 32:14), this is stated after the manner of men, and from a human perspective and not from a divine perspective.
Therefore, when Christ is called the "Son of God", it is not a reference to His humanity at all, but it is a pure reference to His divinity, and that He posesses the same nature, and characteristics as God Himself, simply because He is God, and never gave up that essential nature of God at any time. The phrase "Son of God" for Christ, simply means that Christ possesses the same exact divine nature as the One who the Jews knew as their covenant God. Calling Christ "the Son of God" is tantamount to declaring Him to be the God of the Old Testament, and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. When Christ claimed to be the "Son of God", Christ was really claiming to possess the same nature, characteristics, disposition and attributes as God, and thus Christ was claiming to be the Creator God. The Jews understood Christ's claim clearly, and wanted to stone Him because He called Himself "the Son of God" (God Himself) (John 5:18; John 10:28-36; John 19:7). Martha said that Jesus was the Son of God who came into the world (John 11:27). Martha didn't say that she believed that Christ became the Son of God when he came into the world, but rather that the Son of God has come into the world, and that He was Jesus Christ. This statement implies that Christ was always the Son of God. Martha clearly believed that Christ was the "Son of God" from eternity past, as the Bible clearly teaches.
I also believe that Jesus did NOT become the Christ, but that He was always the Christ. I believe that it is heresy to teach that God the Father anointed Jesus to be "the Christ" at some point in Jesus' life. Some teach that Jesus became the Christ at His baptism, and this, I must reject completely. I believe that Jesus was always the Christ from eternity past. The word "Christ", literally means "anointed One" and is equivalent to the word "Messiah". To anoint, can mean to "rub" with ointment, however, by implication, it can also mean "to set apart". Obviously Jesus is not called Christ because He was rubbed with ointment, but He was called Christ because He was "set apart" specifically for God's purpose. When Jesus is called the "Christ", it is specifically referring to the fact that He was "set apart" by God, from eternity past, to be the Saviour and redeemer of mankind. That is what the title "Christ" means. Jesus was set apart by God from eternity past, to be the Saviour and Redeemer of humanity. Jesus did not become the Christ, but He was always the Christ, i.e., He was always set apart to be the Redeemer of humanity (1 Pet 1:19-20; 2 Tim 1:9-10). The other sense in which Christ was anointed by God, was with the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:38). God the Father, had set apart Christ with the fulness of the Holy Spirit without measure also (John 3:34). It is in this sense, that Christ could not have been anointed from eternity past, because as God, Christ needed not to have anything at all given to Him, because He was the all sufficient, self existent God, however, God the Father's anointing of Christ with the Holy Spirit, is something that does respect (pertains to/relates to) Christ's humanity, but certainly not at the time of His baptism, as some teach. The event at His baptism only functioned as a security, pledge or surety that Christ would always have the ministry of the Holy Spirit, but Christ's initial anointing with the Holy Spirit was from the very moment He was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary.
I believe that Jesus Christ was flawless, perfect, and totally without sin (2 Cor 5:21; 1 John 3:5; John 7:18; Heb 4:15; 1 Pet 2:22). I believe that Jesus Christ had existed in the same essential form and nature as God the Father did, and was thus, not only at one point in time, the invisible God, who sometimes made a show of Himself in a pre-incarnate display as an emblem of His future incarnation, but also, I believe that Christ was equal with God and will always be equal with God, and that in the incarnation, He emptied Himself of the prerogatives of deity, but not of deity (essential nature as God) itself, and being found in a human form, possessing a true human nature, He allowed Himself to suffer death by crucifixion, as one stage of His work of redemption (Phil 2:7-8). I believe that after Christ died for our sins, was buried and was resurrected (1 Cor 15:3-4), He ascended into the 3rd heaven in order to anoint the heavenly mercy seat with His literal efficacious shed blood (Heb 9:12; Heb 9:22-24). I believe that Christ accomplished our redemption through His death on the cross, as a representative, vicarious, substitutionary sacrifice, and that our justification is made sure and is completed by His LITERAL physical resurrection from the dead and LITERAL blood sacrifice in Heaven (Hebrews 9:12; 9:22-24). I believe that Christ will return in the same manner as He left at His final ascension (Acts 1:11). His final ascension is distinct from His initial ascension which was the time He entered into heaven with His redeeming blood, the very same day of the resurrection. I believe that Jesus Christ is absolutely, the only way to heaven. In other words, salvation from hell fire cannot be obtained any other way but by faith alone in Christ alone (John 3:36; John 14:6; Acts 4:12). I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ bodily ascended into Heaven, and He is now exalted at the right hand of God the Father, where as our High Priest He fulfills the ministry of Representative, Intercessor, and Advocate (Acts 1:9,10; Hebrews 4:15,16; 7:25; 9:12,24; Romans 8:34; 1st John 2:1,2).
I believe that the Holy Spirit is another One of the Three Persons of the Godhead, namely the 3rd person, not in superiority or inferiority, but in order. I believe that the Holy Spirit is God Himself (Acts 5:3-4). The Holy Spirit is said to have spoken through Isaiah the prophet, to the Israelites (Acts 28:25). The Holy Spirit strives with sinners (Gen 6:3). The Holy Spirit is eternal (Heb 9:14). I believe that the Holy Spirit is One with Christ (God the Son) and God the Father (1 John 5:7). This means that the Holy Spirit is one in essence, nature, character, disposition, infallibilities, perfections and glory, and hence, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are One God (1 John 5:7). The Holy Spirit is a Person, and He is the 3rd Person of the Godhead (2 Cor 13:14), and I believe that He indwells believers immediately at their salvation (1 Cor 3:16; 1 Cor 12:12-14; Rom 8:9; Eph 1:13-14; 4:30). I believe that the Holy Spirit was active in the restoration of the formerly ruined world as recorded in Genesis, and was also active in its original creation in Gen 1:1. I believe that God the Father and God the Son (Jesus Christ) promised to sent the Holy Spirit (Luke 24:49), in order to regenerate lost sinners (John 3:3-5; Tit 3:5) and provide them with a new, divine sinless nature (Rom 8:9;2 Pet 1:4; 1 John 3:9). The Holy Spirit does this by indwelling those who trust Christ for salvation. I believe the Holy Spirit is the Divine Teacher Who guides believers into all truth, and that it is the privilege and duty of all the saved to be filled (controlled) by the Spirit (John 16:13; John 2:20;27; Ephesians 5:18). I believe that the Christian’s ability to increase in accurate knowledge of God and live an improved lifestyle of holiness for God, is purely by the power of the indwelling Spirit of God. By the Holy Spirit, we are sealed until the day of redemption (Eph 1:13; 4:30), signifying that we belong to Him forever, and that nothing can alter (change) that after we have been saved. I believe that the Holy Spirit baptizes (identifies) us into the body of Christ (1 Cor 12:13). It is possible for a believer to grieve the Holy Spirit (Eph 4:30). It is possible for us to quench the Holy Spirit (1 Thess 5:19). The indwelling Holy Spirit in a Christian is the source of the Christians good works and fruit (Gal 5:22-23).
The most important doctrine in the Bible is the literal blood of Jesus Christ. From Genesis to Revelation the Bible proclaims the precious blood of Jesus, which washes away our sins (Rev 1:5-6). There is a present day apostate bloodless theology that ignores and denies the importance and necessity of the literal, physical, precious blood of Jesus Christ. This is totally unacceptable, and completely damnable.
May I call your attention to the plagues which God had brought upon Egypt. The final 10th plague upon Egypt was to be the death of all the firstborn of humans and animals. But God provided a way of escape from this last judgement for anybody, whether Israelite or Egyptian. Anyone who killed a male lamb, without spot nor blemish, and APPLIED THE BLOOD of that lamb to the doorposts of the home, the firstborn would be saved. Exodus 12:13, “And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and WHEN I SEE THE BLOOD, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.” Again, we see that God required a blood sacrifice. We know that this is speaking of Christ’s literal blood, because an event called the Passover, was taking place at that time, and God makes it clear that the Paschal lamb of the Passover was a type (symbolic preview) of Christ (1 Cor 5:7). If this is the case, then it is important to notice that God payed careful attention to the literal blood of the lamb.
The killing of the lamb WASN'T enough. The literal, physical, blood had to be applied. An understanding of the importance of the blood being applied is so critically important to one's understanding of the Bible, theology and salvation. Hebrews 9:12 and 9:22-24 teach that Jesus brought His own physical, literal, efficacious blood with Him into the heavenly Holy Place to appear in the presence of the Father, applying His blood to the Mercy Seat, to once and for all take away our sins. Amen!
When Adam and Eve sinned, Adam tried to cover their sins with clothing made of fig leaves. This represents man's self-righteousness, religious devotion and good works. God rejected their efforts to hide their sins. God went and killed an innocent animal, shedding it's literal blood, taking it's life, to provide skins of clothing for Adam and Eve. This represents God's righteousness, which is only in Christ Jesus. Matthew 6:33 teaches that we need HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. This is what Romans 10:3-4 and 2nd Corinthians 5:21 teach. Repeatedly king David spoke of THY RIGHTEOUSNESS throughout the Psalms. Amen! We are saved by the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ.
It is a profane shame that so many “professed scholars” reject this Biblical truth. What a crucial truth to stupidly reject! Jesus' literal, physical blood paid for all sins (past, present, and future) of the whole world (Romans 3:24,25; Ephesians 1:7; 1st Peter 1:18-19; Hebrews 9:12; 22-24; 1 John 1:7; Rev 1:5).
I believe every individual member of the human race is fallen, inherently sinful and lost (condemned to hellfire), and regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for the salvation of man. The solution to the penalty of sin (hellfire), is not education, legislation, rehabilitation, nor reformation; but regeneration (salvation alongside of a new nature) (Romans 3:23; John 3:7; Titus 3:5; Luke 24:49).
Man was created in the image of God; and man was created in innocence (untested righteousness), but mankind chose to sin (rebel against God), bringing not only physical death (separation of soul and spirit from body) upon their descendents, but also spiritual death (separation from fellowship and relationship with God) upon themselves and upon their descendents (Romans 5:12; 6:23). Innocence, which Adam and Eve were created in, is sinlessness that has never faced trial. Righteousness is innocence that has been tested and found victorious. Therefore, when Eve sinned first, and then Adam; that innocent and sinless nature became a sinful nature which immediately brought forth spiritual death. Their sinful nature was then passed on to their offspring and to the rest of all humanity. Physical death is the separation of the soul and spirit from the body. Every human being is born spiritually dead, without God. Each person must be born again for God's Holy Spirit to give life to our spirit (John 3:3). The second death is separation of body, soul, and spirit, from God for all eternity in the lake of fire, for those who fail to become born again in this life (2nd Thessalonians 1:8,9).
Although I believe that Adam’s sin brought physical death into the world, in the sense of allowing it to occur to all of his other descendents, I do NOT believe that Adam’s sin that very day, began a process of physical death in his physical body. I know that this is contrary to the popular position, so I will not be dogmatic, however, I take the position that even if Adam did not sin to begin with, his body would have decayed on its own anyway. This fact becomes clear when you observe that Adam was created from the soil of a ruined earth, which doubtlessly absorbed the decay of the dead bodies of the pre-adamite creatures. There were NO pre-adamite men or humans since Adam was the first human being, but there were pre-adamite creatures. These pre-adamite creatures were killed at some point, and the result which killed them is when the earth became “without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep.” The earth became submerged in water, by a judgement of God which I will later highlight in my doctrinal statement.
This judgement of God caused the dead remains of the original earth’s inhabitants to be lodged into the soil of the earth, and it was from this soil Adam was made. That is one reason why Adam would have died anyway, since his body was composed of soil containing the dead remains of pre-adamite creatures. The 2nd reason is logically implied. Why would God put a “tree of life” in the garden of Eden (Gen 2:9), which could provide physical immortality (Gen 3:22), if Adam and Eve were already physically immortal? That simply makes no sense, when you take the Scripture at face value, from an exegetically Biblical standpoint. If the tree of life was so that Adam and Eve could eat and become physically immortal, then this obviously implies that they were not physically immortal to begin with. Of course my position does not contradict what God said, when He declared that if anybody ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they would die that very day (Gen 2:17). Did Adam and Eve die physically the very day they ate from the tree? Clearly they did not, since they lived until they were over 900 years old before physically dying (Gen 5:5). The case then, is that God was NOT talking about physical death at all, which would have happened to them anyway, if they didn’t eat from the tree of life, but rather, spiritual death is what God was talking about.
God stated that the day they ate they would become spiritually dead, which means that they would become separated from the loving, harmonious relationship and fellowship that they had with God in the state of their innocence. Clearly the Bible bears this out as a literal and accurate interpretation. My position does not contradict Rom 5:12 either, which states that by one man’s sin, death entered into the world. The word “by” there can under some circumstances mean “through” or “because of” as well, as the original Greek signifies. It is simply stating that because of Adam’s sin, or through Adam’s sin, physical death entered into the world, in the sense that because Adam and Eve sinned, God forbade Adam and Eve from eating of the tree of life, that would have given them physical immortality, thus, physical death was allowed to pass down into the human race, while spiritual death entered into the world, by, through, and because of Adam’s sin, as a direct consequence of disobeying God, so that Adam’s nature became tained with sin, and Adam therefore passed down this sinful human nature to his descendents which he obtained when he disobeyed God for the first time out of his own will.
All people must die a physical death, except a certain set of saved at the rapture (1 Cor 15:51), but we can avoid the second death through being born-again (Hebrews 9:27). All mankind is totally depraved, having inherited a sinful nature from Adam (Romans 5:15); and thus, is inclined toward sinning (Isaiah 64:6); and is by nature sinful in thought, word, and deed (Jeremiah 17:9; Genesis 1:26, 27; 2:16, 17; 3:6-19; Romans 3:10-23; 6:23). The sin nature cannot be corrected through education, reformation, or indoctrination. The sin nature cannot be tamed (Jeremiah 17:9; James 3:8). The only hope is in Christ Jesus (Romans 5:1).
The LORD Jesus Christ suffered and died as a vicarious (substitutionary) sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. He arose from the dead with a literal, physical, glorified body, displaying His scars; He visibly and bodily ascended into Heaven, where He is presently seated at the right hand of God the Father as Head of the Church, making intercession for the saints as our High Priest (Hebrews 4:15,16; Luke 24; Acts 1:9-11; Romans 5:8-10; Ephesians 1:20-23; 1st Peter 3:18). It is Jesus' LITERAL LIQUID BLOOD that takes away our sins; not just the death of Christ as John MacArthur wrongfully teaches. If the blood hadn't been applied to the mercy seat in Heaven, we would all be going to Hell. From the blood sacrifice of Abel to the blood of the Lamb in Revelation, the major theme of the Word of God is Christ's blood.
It wasn't enough for the Passover lamb to be killed in Egypt; the literal blood of the lamb had to be applied to the lintel and doorposts of the home. Exodus 12:13 states, “...when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.” When the Lord passed through Egypt, He was looking for the literal blood. A dead lamb was insufficient to save. Hebrews 9:12 settles the matter of the efficacy of the literal blood of Christ. There is simply NO controversy if you believe the plain words of the Bible.
“Atonement” is an Old Testament word, which means “to cover.” Jesus' blood did NOT atone for our sins; but rather, Jesus' blood took away our sins forever. The blood of bulls and goats could not save from eternal punishment, in the Old Testament (Hebrews 10:4), but could only provide a temporary “cover” for sins and only pointed forward to the blood which was truly efficacious and would fully satisfy the demands of God’s justice. The blood of Jesus satisfied the wrath of God, and needed only be applied ONCE upon the Heavenly mercy seat (Hebrews 9:12,24). We are redeemed by Jesus' literal blood sacrifice (1st Peter 1:18,19),“THROUGH FAITH IN HIS BLOOD” (Romans 3:25; Colossians 1:14). I wouldn’t be belittling the blood of Christ as some men are doing today, since God condemns to hell fire all who do this (Heb 10:29).
I believe that God our Savior "will have (wants/desires) all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." (1 Tim 2:4), and that He is "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." (2 Pet 3:9). This means that whosoever wants to be saved, can be saved, because God wants all men to be saved. “Whosoever will, may come”. I DO NOT believe in the damnable heresy of Lordship Salvation (works salvation), nor do I believe in any backdoor approach to Lordship Salvation. The front door approach to lordship salvation is that one must forsake their sins to be saved, while the backdoor approaches are that one must be willing to forsake their sins to be saved, or that someone who is genuinely saved, will live a moral life and have good works. Both the front door and backdoor approach of lordship salvation are damnable satanic deceptions, which are man’s opinions and not God’s word. We are saved solely and purely by Jesus' righteousness, by faith, period. It is not what we can do that saves us; but rather, what Christ has done for us at Calvary and the Mercy Seat in Heaven (Hebrews 9:11-12,24). The blood had to be applied in Heaven, just as the lamb's blood had to be applied to the mercyseat in the holy of holies in the Old Testament. The tabernacle that was on earth was a type (picture/symbol) of the true and literal tabernacle in Heaven.
Man is lost and must be born-again to enter the Kingdom of God. Salvation is by grace alone through personal faith in the finished redemptive work of Christ (John 1:12; 3:3-7; Ephesians 2:8,9). Neither giving up the world, nor making a commitment to God, nor forsaking one's sinful bad habits, nor amending one's ways, nor living a life of obedience are required for salvation. The Gospel is obeyed the moment a SINNER places their trust in the SAVIOUR to have their sins and the eternal penalty of their sins forgiven. Salvation is completely of the Lord. Our part is simply to BELIEVE. God does the rest.
I believe that man is saved by undeserved mercy through faith in Christ's work of redemption, and nothing of man enters into his salvation. Salvation is 100% of God. It is a free gift. Salvation is receiving, not giving. Man's efforts, regardless of how good or well intended, before or after salvation, have nothing to do with obtaining or keeping salvation. Salvation is by the finished work of Christ, and nothing can be added to it (Titus 3:5; Ephesians 2:8,9; Galatians 2:16; Romans 4:3-5; Romans 11:6; Colossians 2:13; Romans 3:22).
I believe repentance is necessary for salvation. Mark 1:15, “...repent ye, and believe the gospel.” The Greek word for “repent” here is “metanoeo,” which translated into English means “to change one’s mind.” It does not mean to stop sinning, since that would mean self-righteous works for salvation. We are commanded to repent and believe the Gospel; not repent and turn from sin. We turn to Jesus to be forgiven of our sins; we don't turn from our sins in order to trust Jesus.
Many mighty preachers, such as Charles H. Spurgeon and John R. Rice (founder of the Sword of the Lord) correctly teach turning from sin to be saved; but they are referring to acknowledging one's sinnership, not ceasing from committing sin. If a person has to stop committing sin to be saved, then how can anyone be saved? There is much confusion over the phrase “turn from sin,” but if the Biblical teaching that eternal life is a free gift is not forgotten, then the truth becomes very clear. A gift cannot be earned. A gift is something that is given freely and received freely. Salvation is not a reward, it is the free gift of God (Romans 5:15-18, 6:23; Eph 2:8-9). It is not received by reformation or by changing one’s manner of living. It is received by faith in the LORD Jesus Christ alone.
When Dr. Rice says that a sinner must “turn from sin” to be saved, he simply means that a sinner must renounce all their sins, which is exactly what Charles Spurgeon and Curtis Hutson taught. But renouncing one's sins is quite different than ceasing from committing sin. Dr. John R. Rice didn't believe in Lordship Salvation. Biblical repentance is a change of mind. Paul Washer teaches that repentance is a change of life; but that is wrong. A changed life is the FRUIT of genuine repentance, and not a part of their ROOT of saving-faith. Furthermore, a changed life is not the inevitable result of being saved. It is only an external testimony that salvation has occurred. This means that salvation does not always result in an outwardly visible change, but it always results in inward changes, such as the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and the acquisition of a new nature. A changed life is a result of yielding to the indwelling Spirit of God, which not all saved people do as they ought to.
Biblical repentance unto salvation, means turning to Jesus Christ to be forgiven of one's sins; not turning from one's sins to trust in Christ, neither does it mean turning from one’s sins in order to be saved. When a man turns to Christ by faith, he has turned his back against sin. This doesn’t mean that he has forsaken committing acts of sin, it only means that he has changed his mind about sin, namely, that it is totally unacceptable, and that there is a price on their sin, namely hellfire (Rom 6:23 with Rev 20:15). This is why we find the word “believe” mentioned over 40 times in the Gospel of John, but the word “repent” is never mentioned even once. Thus, the man who believes on Jesus has repented, and the man who repents has believed on Christ. The solution to sin is not education, legislation, rehabilitation, nor reformation; but regeneration. Repentance and faith are inseparable. They occur simultaneously. Lordship Salvationists attempt to divide repentance and faith, but Biblically, such a notion is rubbish.
Many (false prophets) damnably heretical teachers such as Ray Comfort and John MacArthur, misinterpret the meaning of repentance, as ceasing from a sinful lifestyle. That trash is found nowhere in the Bible. This heresy is commonly referred to as “Lordship Salvation,” which I DO NOT believe at all. Other heretical teachers, such as David Cloud and Jack Chick teach a backdoor approach to Lordship Salvation, i.e., that a sinner must be “willing” to reform as a prerequisite for salvation, or, that if you are genuinely saved, you will and must have good works, and if you do not, then you are not saved. The Bible does not teach either of those false, foolish doctrines. Salvation is purely and totally without works of self-righteousness. Romans 4:5, “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.” We are saved by the IMPUTED righteousness of Jesus Christ.
We are saved solely by Jesus' righteousness placed on our record at the time of salvation, and not by our own self-righteousness in any way. Forsaking one’s sins, or the desire to forsake one's sins, is not a prerequisite for salvation. The only requirement is for a person to realize that they have sinned against God, that there is a price on their sin (hellfire) and; therefore, need a Saviour. It is not what we can do for God that saves us; but rather, what Jesus Christ did for us through His work of redemption. Jesus paid a debt that He did not owe, because we owed a debt that we could not pay. It's not what you're doing that gets you to Heaven; it's where you're looking. LOOK TO JESUS!
Our part is simply to trust on Jesus Christ, God makes the necessary changes. Dr. John R. Rice said it well...
“The change in your heart, sinner, is God's part and you may be sure He will attend to that. Your part is to simply believe in Him. Whatever else is necessary in your eternal salvation, the Lord attends to when you trust in Him, or believe in Him.”
SOURCE: What Must I DO To Be Saved, by Dr. John R. Rice
Pastor Harry Ironside makes this excellent statement . . .
“The Gospel is not a call to repentance, or to amendment of our ways, to make restitution for past sins, or to promise to do better in the future. These things are proper in their place, but they do not constitute the Gospel; for the Gospel is not good advice to be obeyed, it is good news to be believed. Do not make the mistake then of thinking that the Gospel is a call to duty or a call to reformation, a call to better your condition, to behave yourself in a more perfect way than you have been doing in the past …
Nor is the Gospel a demand that you give up the world, that you give up your sins, that you break off bad habits, and try to cultivate good ones. You may do all these things, and yet never believe the Gospel and consequently never be saved at all.”
SOURCE: Pastor Harry A. Ironside, from the sermon: What Is The Gospel?
It is useful to note that there are two different words used for “repentance” when comparing the repentance of the sinner unto salvation verses the repentance of Judas in Matthew 27:3, “Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders.” Judas was sorry for what he had done, but that is not Biblical repentance unto salvation. Judas went straight to Hell. Jesus called Judas “a devil” in John 6:70. Many people are sorry for their sins, but that is not Biblical repentance unto salvation. You can be sorry for your sins and still go to Hell, so it is important that this topic is very clearly understood. Biblical repentance is realizing that one has sinned against God by violating God's holy commandments, that there is a price on their sin (hellfire), and turning to Christ in faith, to be forgiven of the penalty of their sins, because of the finished work of redemption of Christ.
The repentance that God requires is a change of mind toward one's sins and the Saviour that causes a person to obey the gospel (by believing on Jesus, the Son of God).
I believe it is every Christian's privilege and duty to make clear God's plan of salvation wherever and in whatever vocation he or she may be (Proverb 11:30; Mark 16:15; 1st Thessalonians 2:4; Matthew 28:19, 20; 2nd Corinthians 5:11
Scriptures on salvation:
- All men are sinners (Romans 3:10; Isaiah 64:6; Romans 3:23; James 2:10; Jeremiah 17:9).
- The penalty of sin is death, which includes a second death in the lake of Fire (Romans 6:23; Ezekiel 18:20; Revelation 20:11-15; 21:8; Revelation 20:11-15).
- God in His unconditional love has provided a Sin-bearer, Jesus Christ, to pay for our sins (1st John 3:16; 2nd Corinthians 5:21; Philippians 3:9; Isaiah 53:6; 1st Peter 3:18; Romans 5:8).
- Man needs only believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior for the forgiveness of sins and salvation (John 3:16; Romans 10:9; John 1:12; Acts 16:31; John 6:40; John 10:9; Romans 10:13).
- Man can be certain of his salvation immediately upon receiving Christ as Savior, and his salvation cannot be lost because salvation is of the Lord. Eternal life is eternal (John 1:12; Titus 1:2; John 6:37-39; John 10:28; 1st Peter 1:5; Hebrews 10:10-14; 1st John 5:13
Eternal life is a “free gift” (Romans 5:15), freely offered (Romans 10:13), and freely received (Revelation 22:17). Salvation is paid for by the literal, physical, precious blood of Jesus Christ (1st Peter 1:18,19).
Lordship Salvationists combine the FRUIT with the ROOT, and in so doing corrupt the simplicity that is in Christ. How can a tree produce FRUIT until there is first the ROOT, and the tree has had time to grow? How can a baby walk until he first learns to crawl? How can a baby run until he first learns to walk?
If you are a parent, your child didn't make a commitment to become your child; but rather, they were born to become your child. Likewise, we are born-again to become God's child. Just as a child has absolutely NOTHING to do with his or her own birth, neither does the Christian have anything to do with their spiritual birth. It is completely of God. Our part is done the moment we believe, receiving Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God. John 1:12, “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.”
I believe that the Bible teaches a concept, known as the “gap principle”, in between Gen 1:1 and Gen 1:2. The gap principle states that the original creation of the earth as presented in Gen 1:1, was not in the same form as Gen 1:2 states that the earth was in. I believe that the original creation of Gen 1:1, was created beautifully, and was not created “without form and void” as it is found in Gen 1:2. I believe that Lucifer (Satan) and the angels all dwelled on the original earth of Gen 1:1 (Ezek 28:13-14). I believe that Lucifer and one-third of the angels rebelled and brought God’s judgment upon the Original Creation of Gen 1:1, which later was found in a desolate and waste condition, as recorded in Genesis 1:2, due to God’s judgement of Satan’s rebellion.
The unspecified period of time between God’s judgement of Satan’s rebellion, which rendered the original earth uninhabitable, until the time where God began remodeling the ruined earth for man’s habitation beginning in the latter portion of Gen 1:2, is known as the Gap Principle. Some address it as the “Gap Theory”, but it is not a theory, it is Biblical. It is only a theory to pseudo scholars who haven’t studied there Bibles well enough. The inability to understand the gap principle, is often the result of one’s failure to distinguish between the original Hebrew words for “created” and “made”. The Hebrew word for “created” is “bara.” This word first appears in Genesis, Chapter One. It always means the instant, miraculous creation of something which had no previous existence in any form whatsoever. It therefore means to bring into existence that which had not existed at any time before. “Bara” only appears 3 times in Genesis chapter 1, in Gen 1:1, 1:21, and 1:27. The Hebrew word for made is “asah.” This means to form or to fashion from material which already exists, or it means to form or to fashion after a pattern which already exists. When we see in English the words “made” and “created,” they have basically the same meaning to the average person, which has caused much confusion; but this is not so in the original Hebrew in which the Bible was written. In the Hebrew, “created” (bara) and “made” (asah) have distinctively different meanings, the knowledge of which is essential in properly understanding Genesis, Chapter 1, as God intended.
Therefore, the first four days of Genesis are not describing how the Original Creation of Gen 1:1 came about, but rather, it is describing a remodeling process of already existing materials. That is why the Holy Spirit used the precise Hebrew words translated into our English language as “made” and “let,” i.e. “allow.” Nothing is said to be “created” on the 1st four days of God’s work of remodeling and restoration. God’s Original Creation as found in Genesis 1:1, was created beautiful and to be inhabited. Isaiah 45:18 makes this perfectly clear: “For thus saith the LORD that created (bara) the heavens: God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created (Hebrew, “bara”) it not in vain (Thohu), he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.” Now, let us compare Isaiah 45:18 with Genesis 1:1-2 which states: “In the beginning God created (bara) the heaven and the earth.” (v.1) “And the earth was without form (thohu), and (waw) void (vohu); And darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the deep.” (v.2).
Notice, in Isaiah, the word “vain.” It is the Hebrew word “thohuw” and means “without form, wilderness, to lie waste, desolation and etc.” Concerning this word in reference to the Original Creation, it is stated that “…he (God) created (Hebrew “bara”) it (the earth) not in vain, (ie., a waste of desolation).” It was formed and established perfect and beautiful to be inhabited. Isaiah continued by saying, “…he (God) formed it to be inhabited.” This describes the condition of the earth in Genesis 1:1 as God originally created it and his purpose for creating it, “to be inhabited.” Notice in Genesis 1:2 where, at some later time, it was declared that “…the earth was (had become) without form and void.” The words “without form and void” in Verse 2 carry the exact same meaning as “vain” in Isaiah 45:18, i.e., “a complete ruin, a desolation and uninhabitable.” Let us now find out who the Original Creation was created for, who inhabited it, and what brought about it’s judgment. This leads us to the angels.
Angels are clearly stated to not only have been in existence before mankind, but they were also in existence before the original creation of the earth in Gen 1:1. Who created the angels? The LORD Jesus Christ did (John 1:1-3; John 1:10; Col 1:16). The record of the angel’s existence before the original creation is found in Job 38:4-7, which reads, “Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? Or who hath stretched the line upon it? (v.5) Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? Or who laid the corner stone thereof; (v.6) When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? (v.7)” The “sons of God” there are angels, and were already in existence before man and before the creation of the original earth. Not only did God create the stars; but, also, the angels were in existence prior to His creating the earth in Genesis 1:1. When God created the earth, the angels “shouted for joy.” Why would they shout for joy? Because God had created the earth for them originally. This beautiful creation of earth was to be their primary place of habitation. They were appointed an overseer, a leader who was to guide them in love, faithfulness and service to their Creator, God Almighty.
In Isaiah 14:13-14 we have the five “I Wills” of Satan. Here is the record: “For thou (Satan) hast said in thine heart I WILL ascend into the heavens, I WILL exalt my throne above the stars of God: I WILL sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I WILL ascend above the heights of the clouds; I WILL be like the most high.” Notice carefully that stars and clouds have already been created, and in existence, when the angels occupied the earth. This earth was Lucifer’s throne as God’s Anointed Cherub. Lucifer (Satan) stated that he wanted to “ascend into the heavens”, proving that he was not in the 3rd heaven but upon the original earth. He wanted to “exalt his throne above the stars of God”, even telling us that the stars were already in existence at this time. He wanted to “ascend above the heights of the clouds”, telling us that God had originally created clouds as well, before the restoration process after Gen 1:3. Satan wanted to be “like the most High”. Satan would have settled for being co-equal in power and authority with God, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that Satan didn’t want to be greater than God. It only means he would have settled for being equal with God. This was Satan’s great sin. Where there is sin, there is judgement.
God therefore executed judgement against Satan’s sin, and against the sin of the angels that followed him, by judging the original earth which Satan was chief over in his exalted state before his fall, and by judging directly the persons of Satan and the angels who fell with him. The judgement God executed against Satan’s habitation over which he was chief, was when God rendered the earth “without form and void” as found in Gen 1:2. The word “was” in Gen 1:2, means that the earth “became” without form and void by God’s judgement upon Lucifer’s original habitation. The earth became uninhabitable, desolate, and ruined in a catastrophically state of total disorganization. The earth became submerged in water, since we are told that pitch black darkness was upon the face of the deep (mass of water), and that the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters during the process of God’s restoration of the earth. Although Lucifer had the highest position of power among the angels, when that power was removed due to his sin, and the earth was submerged in water, being left in pitch black darkness without form and void, there were pre-adamite creatures on the earth at that time, which were killed by God’s judgement, and so, the dead remains of the pre-adamite creatures were infused into the soil of the ruined earth.
The 2nd judgement that God executed personally against Satan and the fallen angels, was that they became disembodied spirits. This means that that we are dealing with creatures who once possessed some kind of material body. Some might therefore ask the question, do angels in the 3rd heaven currently, all possess literal material bodies? If you take the Scriptures at face value, this is the only logical conclusion that can be drawn. Angels do have material bodies. This matter is not easily understood by many I notice, so I will further clarify my position. I believe it is 100% correct to say that angels DO NOT have human bodies, however, it is 100% incorrect to say that angels have no kind of body at all.
Before the fall of Satan and the fall of some of the angels occurred, ALL angels had some kind of material body. After Satan and some angels had sinned, God not only executed judgement upon the original earth by rendering it without form and void, i.e., in a chaotic, disorganized state of total emptiness, but God also executed judgement upon the persons of Satan and the fallen angels by causing them to become disembodied spirits. Their final judgement is the lake of fire forever (Matt 25:41). The fact that demon possession can occur in the world, is an implication of the fact that all fallen angels became disembodied spirits, around the time of the fall of Satan. Good angels are never said to be guilty of possessing humans because their own material bodies restrains that from occurring, and furthermore, they know that such a task is not profitable for them or acceptable to God, but demon possession is always done by the disembodied spirits of fallen angels, because they regret severely having lost all their privileges, including their once possessed material bodies (Matt 12:43-45). 1 Cor 15:38-40 expressly teaches that angels possess some kind of material body, but it is nothing like a human body, or anybody that humans have ever seen.
Verse 38 starts off by saying that God is pleased to create a body for any type of creature, as He sees fit. Verse 39 goes on to say that all flesh is not the same flesh, and that a human being's flesh and an animal's flesh is completely different. It goes on to say that there are also "celestial bodies". The word, "celestial" in the original Greek, means heavenly, or having to do with heaven. It very frequently refers to the 3rd heaven. The phrase "celestial bodies", means "heavenly bodies", in relation to the 3rd heaven which is the abode of God and the angels, and thus the phrase, "heavenly bodies" is referring to the material bodies of angels in the 3rd heaven. A great many people take it as a reference to the sun, moon and stars, but this not correct at all, and does not fit the context at all. The context of the sun, moon and stars picks up in verse 41, but verses 39-40 in 1 Cor 15, are dealing particularly with the bodies of living creatures, attempting to make a distinction between the different bodies of angels and the different bodies of all other creatures below the heavens. Fallen angels therefore, as stated before, are now disembodied spirits who crave to inhabit a physical body, and evidently prefer a human body to any other body. Not all fallen angels are allowed to roam freely as disembodied spirits, a certain group of the most wicked angels are chained in a specific holding place being reserved for judgement, but it is not necessary to go into that now, until we come to 2 Pet 2:4-5. The Bible doesn't particularly state whether or not angels were sexless (genderless) or all males, but they certainly were not a mixture of males and females, neither were they all females. They were either totally genderless or all males.
Another point I'd like to mention are verses some people often try to use certain passages to disprove the fact that angels possess some kind of material bodies. They normally use Psa 104:4, Heb 1:14, and Luke 24:37-39 all together to declare that angels are only spirit beings and thus have no physical body. The truth is that these passages are misquoted. Yes, angels are declared to be spirits, but is not mankind, who is a physical being, also called a spirit? Are we not told to "try the spirits" (test the doctrines) of other human beings who are physical, corporeal beings as well (1 John 4:1)? Human beings, according to this verse, are also spirits, but they are spirits in human flesh. Man is a tripartite being. Angels are spirits indeed, but not without physical material bodies. Fallen angels on the other hand, as stated before, are disembodied spirits without their original bodies that they had before they sinned. When Christ said a spirit does not have flesh and bones as He had, Christ simply meant that a disembodied human spirit no longer possesses human flesh and human bones, as Christ had possessed. It is that simple.
The question that most will ask concerning the Biblical gap principle, is if God created the earth in an instant for the angels originally, and reconstructed and restored it in a period of 6 literal days for mankind, then why does Exod 20:11, say, "For [in] six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them [is], and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." That is an understandable question. The confusion arises from failing to distinguish between the Hebrew words for "create" and "made". In the Hebrew, they have a large distinction, and are not interchangeable. We already established that the word "create", is in the Hebrew, "bara", and it specifically means to bring into existence, that which had not existed before. The word "made" in Exod 20:11 is, עָשָׂה (asah), and it specifically means, "to fashion" or "to form", from material which already exists. Exod 20:11 DOES NOT say that God "created" the earth in 6 days, but that He "MADE" it in 6 days, and there is a big difference and distinction in the original Hebrew. Therefore, this passage is simply telling us that in 6 days, God formed, restored and refashioned the earth. God "made" the earth in 6 days, but He DID NOT "create" it in 6 days. After Satan rebelled, God's judgement rendered the earth without form and void, and rendered the universe in darkness for an unspecified amount of time, but God restored the universe and the earth, to its normal function, in 6 days, and rested on the seventh.
I believe that so called “scholars” who disregard the Biblical gap principle of Genesis, want you to disregard the original Hebrew and other Scriptures which exposes them as blatant liars against the word of God. The fact that Adam and Eve are said to be both “created” and “made” (Gen 1:26-27) is often used as “proof” that the argument of the Biblical gap principle that created and made are distinct in meaning cannot be correct. This is an absurdity and a dishonest manipulation of God’s word. Created and Made are ALWAYS distinct and are NOT interchangeable. Remember, “to create”, means to “bring into existence that which had not existed before”. So when Scripture says that God created mankind, it simply means that God brought a type of being into creation that had not existed before, namely, humanity. Human beings had never existed at any point prior to God’s creation of Adam, hence the word “created” is properly used and Biblically substantiated.
Now, “to make” means “to form from material already existent; or to form after a pattern that already exists”. When Scripture says that God also made mankind, the sense is twofold, namely, that not only did God form Adam from material which had already exist, i.e., the soil of the earth, but God also formed Adam according to a pattern which had also already existed, namely, “God’s image”. Being made in God’s image, means being made with spiritual qualities that God and man share in common, such as the ability to think, to speak, we also possess a personality, i.e., our knowledge, emotions, and a will, we also possess morality, i.e., the ability to make moral judgements and the fact that we possess a conscience, and we also possess spirituality, i.e., the ability to commune and fellowship with God, however this was damaged in the fall of man and can only be restored by the new birth, i.e., ye must be born again (John 3:7), i.e., you must be saved, and made a partaker of the divine nature (2 Pet 1:4).
I believe that it is heresy and foolishness to teach that there was no sin in the world before Adam and Eve. Almost always, this pseudo claim is based on Rom 5:12, which says, “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” Therefore, they claim there was no physical death, spiritual death or sin prior to Adam. This presents several problems, which actually contradicts the Word of God. Common sense makes it clear that if Satan was in the garden of Eden tempting Eve to sin (Gen 3:1-6), then Satan had already fallen at this time, had already sinned before this time, which the gap principle very adequately substantiates. I believe that the statement that there was no death, whether physical or spiritual before Adam, is also foolishness. Technically, Eve sinned before Adam (1 Tim 2:13-14), so to say that there was no sin before Adam is a joke of pure asininity. Eve also died spiritually before Adam. Rom 5:12 is not teaching that Adam was the first person to ever sin and die. Such an interpretation is ludicrously and preposterously absurd. Rom 5:12 is simply teaching that by Adam’s sin, physical death was allowed to continue in the world as it regards humanity, and spiritual death entered into the world of humanity, because Adam was the representative of the entire human race, and because of his sin, Adam and Eve were now both sinful human beings with sinful human natures, which would be passed down to their descendents through copulation (sexual intercourse).
The creation of angels are not mentioned in Genesis, because they already existed prior to the 1st verse of Genesis (Job 38:4-7). The angels were the first to sin, and were the first to die. Remember, death means a separation. When Satan and the angels sinned, they spiritually died, which is a separation from the harmonious and peaceful fellowship and relationship with God. Those who disregard the gap principle, by Rom 5:12, evidently have never read Genesis chapter 3 or other Scriptures which clearly expose their philosophical teaching as rubbish, and pseudo trash. Genesis 3 teaches that Eve sinned before Adam, so Rom 5:12 is certainly not teaching that Adam sinned before anybody and died before anybody. Satan and a third of the angels were the first to sin and die spiritually. Clearly this is substantiated by the Bible.
It is also useful to note that there are other Scriptures containing a gap in between verses, and not only between Gen 1:1 and Gen 1:2. There is a gap between Rom 11:25-26, which is the 7 year tribulation immediately following the rapture of the church. Verse 26 there describes what will happen when Christ returns. Rev 12:5-6 clearly currently contains a gap of over 2000 years. Christ was caught up to God’s throne thousands of years ago, and Satan attacks Israel with harsh anti-Semitism in the great tribulation period, three and a half years after the rapture. Isa 9:6-7 very clearly contains a large gap of currently over 2000 years. Christ was to born, which occurred over 2000 years ago, and Christ is to have a prosperous kingdom reign over the earth in the millennium at His 2nd coming. So clearly, Gen 1:1-2 is not the only passage which contains a clear gap.
Christian service is NOT required for salvation. We are saved by HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, i.e., the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ (Matthew 6:33; 2nd Corinthians 5:21).
Every believer is required to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service (Romans 12:1). Ephesians 5:11 commands believers to “refute” (Greek: elengkho, which means, “to expose”) all works of darkness. As believers we are commanded to stand up against evil and the workers of iniquity (Psalm 94:16). Most believers today are sitting on their blessed assurance doing nothing for God. They cannot lose their eternal life, never, ever; but they will have few rewards in Heaven (1st Corinthians 3:15).
It is a tragedy that many Christians live shallow Christian lives. The Word of God emphasizes the importance of total dedication, not to be saved, but because we ARE saved. We don't live right to GET saved; we should live right because we ARE saved. “Shallow Christianity” cannot be cured by adding works to salvation. A changed life is the FRUIT of genuine repentance, and not a part of the ROOT of saving faith.
The true child of God is not under the Law anymore, but is under grace. He is saved by grace and disciplined by grace (Romans 6:14,15; Romans 11:6; 2nd Corinthians 3:17). God forbid: yea, we establish the law." No believer has God's permission to sin. Romans 3:31, “Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: Yea, we establish the Law” (Romans 3:31). So we learn from Romans 3:31 that God expects us as Believers to fulfil the Law; but this has nothing to do with salvation. There's a heretical group of critics going around throwing stones at any preacher who dares to say that Christians ought to live obediently to God. They “DO ERR, NOT KNOWING THE SCRIPTURES” (Matthew 22:29).
To clarify, a sinner is NOT required to make a commitment to Christ to be saved, nor does a sinner have to promise to do better, nor amend their ways, nor surrender, nor give up the world. These things are good in their proper place; but they are not part of the ROOT of saving faith. The Bible is clear that a man's faith is COUNTED for righteousness (Rom 4:5). No self-righteousness is necessary for salvation, and a good thing, because we have none to offer God (Isaiah 64:6).
I believe in a Pre-tribulation Rapture when Christ will return “FOR” His own. Seven years later, Christ will return “WITH” His own (the church) to begin His literal reign upon the earth for 1,000 years from Jerusalem. Jesus came to earth the first time over 2,000 years ago “TO” His own, the Jews, and they rejected Him, as they still do today.
The Lord Jesus Christ Himself is coming again in the air at any moment to “catch up” (Rapture) His Church and to reward their service (1st Thessalonians 4:17). Many believers will suffer loss and be ashamed. Tears will flow. The unbelievers left behind on earth will go through a period called the Tribulation, after which Christ shall return visibly to the earth to set up His Kingdom of one thousand years of righteous rule. The knowledge of God shall fill the earth. After the 1,000 years are completed, the unbelievers of all ages will stand at The Great White Throne to be judged and cast into the Lake of Fire, separated from God forever (Revelation 20:11-15).
The believers will spend eternity in the fullness of joy in Heaven with the Lord (Matthew 24:29-42; 1st Thessalonians 4:16-18; Revelation 19:11-20:15). All regrets and tears lingering from the Judgment Seat of Christ will be wiped away, the former things shall be forgotten (Revelation 21:4). All will be well.
Romans 8:29, “For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.” God never predestinates anyone to salvation. Predestination speaks only of someone who has already been saved. Romans 8:29 teaches that God predestinates those Whom He foreknows (knows who will be saved beforehand) to be CONFORMED TO THE IMAGE OF HIS SON. God has a plan for each and every believer. In everything that happens, God's guiding hand is in control.
I believe God is absolutely sovereign; and in His sovereignty, He gave man a free will to accept or reject the salvation that He has provided. It is God's will that all would be saved and that none should perish. God permits man's destiny to depend upon man's choice. God never chooses anyone to be saved, nor does He deny anyone the right to be saved. God hardened Pharaoh's heart in Moses day because Pharaoh's heart was already harder than rock, so God used Pharaoh for His glory and purpose. The same will happen in the end time (2nd Thessalonians 2:10-12). Whosoever will may come (Romans 10:13; 1st Timothy 2:4; 2nd Thessalonians 2:13; 1st Peter 1:2; 2nd Peter 3:9; John 6:64-65; Acts 10:34; 1st Corinthians 1:21; Ephesians 1:5-14; Romans 8:29,30; Romans 9:30-32).
I believe that once a person becomes a child of God by faith in Christ, he is always a child of God. If saved, always saved. Once saved, always saved. A person is either saved forever; or else not saved at all, and never had been. Eternal Security is not a separate doctrine from salvation. It is salvation. Once a person is saved, he can never lose his salvation in any way, nor for any reason.
God promised eternal life before the world began. Titus 1:2, “In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began.” Eternal life is based upon the integrity and character of God's promises, and not upon mankind's feeble, inadequate and self-righteous human efforts. The Bible is very clear that our salvation is secured only by the promises of God, Who in His love, mercy and grace made a way of escape, by providing a Lamb, the spotless Son of God, as a sacrifice for our many sins.
The notion that a believer could ever lose salvation is rooted in self-righteous hypocrisy, for if salvation could be lost, we all lost it a long, long time ago because of our sins. Just as good works cannot bring salvation, neither can bad works result in losing it. Every SINNER who believes on the SAVIOUR for the forgiveness of sins and the eternal penalty of his sins, has the divine promise of Eternal Security. I believe that the denial of the eternal security of the believer is a damnable heresy, which renders those deny eternal security unsaved, because of them simultaneously trusting in their self righteousness to maintain what God has given freely. (John 3:16; John 3:36; John 5:24; John 6:37-39; John 6:47; John 10:28; Eph 1:13-14; Phil 1:6; 1 Pet 1:5)
James 2:18-19, “Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.”
James spoke of proving one's faith with works (James 2:18-21). It is important to realize that James is speaking of being justified in the eyes of men, and not in the sight of God. The Apostle James speaks concerning the FRUIT of a believer's life. Whereas the Apostle Paul in Romans 4:3-6 speaks concerning the ROOT of the believer's faith. We read in Genesis 15:6 that Abraham was saved by believing upon the Lord, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. We later read in Genesis 22 that Abraham was justified (declared righteous) in the eyes of man by offering up Isaac as God had commanded him to do (James 2:21). Abraham was also declared righteous by his works, in the sense that they were an external testimony of the imputed righteousness of Christ that Abraham possessed.
A changed life is the FRUIT of genuine repentance, and not a part of the ROOT of saving-faith. This FRUIT, is also not an inevitable result of salvation, but a desired one by God. Self-righteous works are not acceptable for salvation (Isaiah 64:6; Titus 3:5). If a person is truly saved, then there should, NOT WILL, but SHOULD to be some form of FRUIT in that person's life, however, the Bible is filled with examples of sinful believers who for a time backslid and you never would have known they were a believer (such as Lot, Samson, Solomon, Peter, David, et cetera).
I believe the evidence of salvation is truly revealed in whom a person is trusting to get him to heaven, and it is also revealed in their doctrinal position on the fundamentals of the Bible. I believe it is damnable heresy to teach that a person can know he is saved or lost because of his behaviour or conduct, or for others to believe a person is saved or lost because of his behavior (Galatians 2:16; Romans 4:5; Romans 11:6). A person can however know whether or not they are saved, by matching their doctrinal position to the word of God as it regards the fundamentals of the Bible. A person’s doctrinal position doesn’t have to be perfectly in line with the Bible for them to be saved from hellfire, but they must be perfectly in line with the Bible on the fundamentals and on salvation, for them to be saved.
local New Testament church is a group of believers; banded together for
edification, exhortation, and evangelism as commanded by Christ in the
Great Commission (Matthew 28:19,20). A church may be composed of two or
more people (Matthew 18:20). Jesus commissioned His disciples to preach
the Gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15; 1st Corinthians 12:12;
Ephesians 1:22,23). Acts 7:38 speaks of "the church in the wilderness";
hence, I believe that the church did NOT begin on the Day of Pentecost
in Acts 2. I believe that the establishment and continuance of local churches is
clearly taught and defined in the New Testament Scriptures. (Acts 14:27;
Acts 20:17; Acts 20:28-32; 1st Timothy 3:1-13; Titus
I believe that the two ordinances of the
local church instituted by Christ are water baptism and the Lord's
Supper (communion). These are steps of obedience in a Christian's life
(service); but are not for salvation. (Matthew 28:19; 1st Corinthians
The first family was the first church, with the eldest being the pastor.
A church is NOT a building with plush carpeting, stained-glass windows,
a steeple or air-conditioning; but rather, a group of born-again
believers assembling together. The true church is within the heart of
every believer... for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you (Luke
17:21). There is no "universal church" today; but only local New
Testament churches composed of genuine Christians. The Church will be
united at the Pretribulation Rapture.
Most people today have churchianity without Christianity, religion
without truth. A genuine church is composed of genuine born-again
believers. Jesus said that God can only be worshipped in truth and
spirit (John 4:24). Thus, false religions are not churches. Catholicism
is a prisonhouse of religion; not a true church. (Ephesians 1:22,23; Ephesians 5:25-2; 1st Corinthians 12:12-14; 2nd
Corinthians 11:2)
I believe every true child of God possesses eternal life, is justified by faith, sanctified (set apart) by God, sealed with the Holy Spirit, safe and secure for all eternity, and cannot lose his salvation. However, a Christian can, through sin, lose fellowship, joy, power, testimony, and reward, and incur the Father's chastisement. Our relationship (salvation/position as sons of God) with God is eternal, being established by the new birth (John 3:3). Our fellowship with God, however, is conditional upon our obedience. God guarantees salvation to those who receive Jesus Christ, it is His gift to us.
God guarantees reward to the obedient son. God guarantees chastening and loss of rewards to the disobedient son. God does not cast out disobedient children (Hebrews 13:5), but in some cases, does take them home (such as Ananias and Sapphira). He does not permit His children to live as they please without discipline and guidance (1st Corinthians 3:11-17; 5:1-5; 11:30-32; 2nd Corinthians 5:10; Hebrews 12:5-11).
1st John 1:9 is not a verse for salvation; but a precious promise to Christians for cleansing and experiential, practical forgiveness for restoration into fellowship. 1st John 1:9 does not guarantee restitution from physical damage caused by sin; neither does it guarantee restoration of HIGHLY INTIMATE fellowship. It is heresy to teach that confession of sin produces spiritual fruit (improved lifestyle of holiness or increased accurate knowledge of God). Confession of sin places the Christian in a position where he can have fellowship with God, but it doesn’t grant intimate fellowship. 1st John 1:6-7 teach that intimate fellowship is the result of the Christian's walk, but confession of sins is the basis on which God restores you into his fellowship, which must be maintained and made more intimate by the believer’s willful yielding to the indwelling Spirit of God in order to produce fruit. James 4:8 promises that if we draw nigh to God that He will draw nigh to you. What a precious truth! We can be close to God in a personal relationship and fellowship.
Spirituality, of which intimate fellowship is a part, comes from the Christian's obedience to God (2nd Peter 1:5-8; Colossians 1:10; John 15:8; 1st John 1:6,7; Galatians 5:22), and this obedience is only made possible by willfully yielding one’s will to the indwelling Spirit of God.
I believe a true child of God has two births: one of the flesh (physical birth), and the other of the Spirit (regeneration at salvation). The fleshly nature (sinful human nature) is neither good nor righteous in any capacity whatsoever. The Spiritual nature (regenerated new nature) does not and cannot commit sin (1 John 3:9). The spiritual nature is the Spirit of Christ living within the believer (Romans 8:9). Every believer experiences a warfare between the Spirit (indwelling Spirit of God) and the carnal flesh (worldly sinful human nature), which continues until physical death, or the return of the Lord at the rapture. The new birth cannot in any way reform, alter, or change the original sinful nature of mankind; but the flesh (sinful human nature) can be controlled and kept subdued by the new man. All claims to the eradication of the old sinful nature in this life are unscriptural and totally unbiblical. Even the best of Christians still commit sin (Romans 7:15-25).The sinful-nature of humanity cannot be corrected by education, reformation or rehabilitation. The only hope is in Jesus Christ (2nd Corinthians 5:17).
I believe that the LORD Jesus commanded for the saved to be baptized (Matt 28:19-20). I believe that the correct practice of water baptism is by submersion or immersion into the water, from passages such as Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch in which "the eunuch said "Look! Water! What prevents me from being baptized?"And as they went on [their] way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, [here is] water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him.” (Acts 8:36-38). I do not believe that being baptized is a pre-requisite for salvation, because salvation is the gift of God which is entered into by grace through faith in Christ, and not through human works in any form or capacity whatsoever (Rom 4:5; Eph 2:8-9; Tit 3:5).
I believe that infant baptism is a damnable and foolish practice which is substantiated nowhere at all in the Bible. The apostate and heretical Catholic and Lutheran organizations try hard to defend their heresy that the Bible teaches infant baptism, but the Bible does not teach this, nor does it even hint at it. Infant baptism is simply a pseudo doctrine not found anywhere in the Bible at all. I also believe that baptizing by “sprinkling” is totally unbiblical. I believe that anybody placing faith in their water baptism to bring them to heaven will be brought down to hell, since they are trusting in their own works of self righteousness for salvation. I believe that anybody who believes that baptism is mandatory in order to go to heaven is hellbound in their sins, as the word of God does not teach at all that baptism is necessary for salvation.
In baptism, by being placed under the water, we show symbolically, a public testimony of our personal, living faith in Christ's death, burial and resurrection as payment for our sins. "...that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the father..." ( Romans 6:4) Therefore, coming up out of the water of baptism is one's testimony of his faith in Christ's Resurrection. This is the Gospel that must be believed to have eternal life; the death, burial, and Resurrection of our Saviour. Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the GOSPEL which I preached unto you... how that Christ (1) died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that (2) he was buried, and that (3) he rose again the third day according to the scriptures." (1 Corinthians 15:1,3-4).
The teaching that one must be baptized in order to be saved is a very popular pseudo, damnable, heretical teaching found nowhere in the word of God. The most frequently used passages in order to support the damnable heresy of baptismal regeneration (salvation dependent on baptism), are Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16, John 3:5, Gal 3:27, Mark 16:15-16, and 1 Pet 3:20-21. I want to take a look at them. Acts 2:28 reads, “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” This is one of the favourite verses of baptismal regeneration heretics, to try to teach the foolishness that water baptism is necessary for salvation. The key to this passage is the word “for”, which is in the Greek “eis”. The rendering “for” is an unfortunate translation which easily stems misconceptions. In Matt 12:41, the same Greek preposition “eis” is translated as “at”, which literally means “BECAUSE OF”.
That is the simple solution to Acts 2:38. In Matt 12:41, the people of Ninevah did not repent “in order to obtain” the preaching of Jonah, but they repented “BECAUSE OF” the preaching of Jonah. In Acts 2:38, this is what “for” really means, and the KJV translators were not necessarily wrong, since John 3:16 reads, “FOR God so loved the world…” This does not mean “IN ORDER TO God so loved the world…”, but rather it means, “BECAUSE God so loved the world…” Acts 2:38 is only showing the basis for baptism, namely, the remission (forgiveness) of sins. Acts 2:38 is most certainly not teaching that baptism brings forgiveness of sins, but that we ought to repent, and be baptized BECAUSE the remission of sins has been secured by the redemptive work of Christ. Baptism is for someone ALREADY saved, and it is NOT to be saved.
Acts 22:16 reads, “And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord.” This quotation is pathetic, and barely needs reconciliation. The same calling on the name of the LORD as in Rom 10:13, is the same one spoken of here. Rom 10:13 declares that it is “calling upon the name of the LORD” which does the washing away of sins and brings salvation. The word “call” in both cases, does not necessarily mean a verbal utterance, but rather, the original Greek, by implication, can simply mean “to appeal unto”, hence to believe or to trust upon the name of Christ, as also stated in John 1:12 and John 3:18. Acts 22:16 is simply saying that it was agreeable to God’s will to be baptized in obedience to God, not to be saved, but that to be saved, one ought to call upon God’s name, thereby washing away their sins. Acts 22:16 is poorly quoted. Only a total fool would try to use this passage, which presents no difficulty at all.
John 3:5 reads, “Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and [of] the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” This one is another popularly used verse to support the foolishness of water baptism for salvation. Those who endorse water baptism for salvation, refer to the word "water" in this verse and claim it is speaking of water baptism. The problem that first arises is, the word "baptism" is never mentioned in this chapter. The water in that verse that Christ spoke of, is doubtlessly speaking about “THE WORD OF GOD” and NOT water baptism. Water for cleansing, pictures the Word of God; and water for drinking, pictures the Holy Spirit of God, which is clearly substantiated by Scripture (Eph 5:26; John 4:14; John 7:38-39). All John 3:5 is saying; is that a person must be born again (saved and regenerated) by the Holy Spirit, using the Word of God. This salvation is activated when faith is placed in Christ, and this faith is brought when one yields to the conviction of the Holy Spirit’s admonition to accept Christ as Saviour, and by usage of the word of God which allows the Holy Spirit to convict the lost sinner with God’s word. The fact that “water” here in John 3:5 speaks of the word of God is made irrefutably clear in 1 Pet 1:23 which speaks of the same thing, namely, being born again, and that it is by, “the WORD of God, which liveth and abideth forever." The best way to interpret Scripture is not to interpret it at all, but to let Scripture interpret itself. There is no controversy if you believe the Bible.
Gal 3:27 reads, “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ." This is one of the “Sugar Stick" verses used by the proponents of endorsing salvation by water baptism. All one has to do is read Chapter 3 completely, as the entire chapter is presenting "salvation by faith, alone," as contrasted to the "works of the law." Baptism is a work—defined as such— because they are trusting in that human effort of righteousness to be saved. In examining the surrounding verses, it becomes evident that Verse 27 is speaking of spiritual baptism, and NOT water baptism. When we place our faith in Christ, we are spiritually baptized into His Body. May I call your attention to Scripture which reads, “For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit." (1 Corinthians 12:13) If this was water baptism that placed us into the Body of Christ in Galatians 3:27; then it would also have to be water baptism in 1 Corinthians 12:13; which it is not, as the verse clearly states! Verse 28 has the same construction as 1 Cor 12:13. There is no controversy if you believe the Bible.
Mark 16:15-16 reads, “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” Some use this verse, but again, this is a verse which presents very little difficulty. The verse is simply stating that if one believes, he will be saved. If one believes and is baptized, he will also be saved. If one believes not , whether or not they are baptized, they will not be saved, but will be damned to hellfire for all eternity. This verse does NOT say, “he that believeth not and is not baptized shall be damned”. It simply tells us that unbelief is the great damning sin. The main point of the passage therefore, is belief, not baptism. That is so simple and glaringly obvious; it is a wonder why anybody would use such a verse as this. There is no controversy if you believe the Bible.
1 Pet 3:20-21 reads, "...When once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by (through) water. The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh [i.e. our sins], but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ." The eight were saved from the flood waters by being in the ark , which was a type (symbolic preview) of Christ. Therefore, "the like figure" is figurative of the ark of Christ which provided absolute safety from the flood waters of death. The flood waters testify of death; and the ark, of resurrection. Water Baptism does not save us; but, identifies us publicly, showing our faith is in the death, burial and Resurrection of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Baptism here in view here, again is Spirit baptism, and not water baptism. Being baptized into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:13) is what saves us (the church) from hellfire. Faith in the resurrection of Christ is what brought the Holy Spirit into your life to regenerate you and baptize you into the body of Christ. Others take the position that water baptism is in view here, but does not save us from the eternal penalty of our sins, but from a guilty conscience before God. Either way, the message is clear. Water baptism neither saves, nor is the official way of entering into the church. Spirit baptism does that. Spirit baptism is being indwelled with the Spirit of God at salvation (Rom 8:9). It is what sanctifies us and saves us, and it occurs in response to our faith in Christ to forgive the eternal penalty of our sins and to save us from hellfire and damnation.
I believe that the Rapture consists of the coming of Christ from Heaven and His saints (church) on earth meeting Him in the air. I believe in the personal, Premillennial and Pretribulation return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ (1st Thessalonians 1:10; 4:13-18; 5:9-11; Titus 2:13; 1st Corinthians 15:51-53).
I believe that Christ's 2nd coming with His angels to earth will be in power and great glory. This coming is preceded by the 7-year Tribulation which begins immediately after the Rapture (2nd Thessalonians 2:1-8; Isaiah 26:17-21; Isaiah 27:1; Matthew 24; Revelation 4:4). Though the word "Rapture" is not found in the Scriptures, we read in Hebrews 11:5 that Enoch was translated that he should not see death. Thus, every believer will be TRANSLATED when the Lord returns. We read in 1st Thessalonians 4:17 that every believer will be "CAUGHT UP" into the clouds to meet with the Lord when He returns at the Rapture.
For an excellent Biblical study of the End Times, see PROPHECY by Dr. Oliver B. Greene (578 pages). (2nd Thessalonians 2:1-8, Isaiah 26:17-21; Isaiah 27:1; Matthew 24; Revelation 4:4)
Jesus came 2,000 years ago TO His own (the Jews), He will come at the Rapture FOR His own (the Church), and Jesus will return at The Second Coming WITH His own. Amen and amen!
I am 100% totally against extra-Scriptural revelations, heathen Charismatic speaking tongues, fraudulent (bogus) faith healing services, women pastors/preachers/elders, and the malicious heresy that salvation can be lost in any way. The Charismatic Movement is straight out of the pits of Hell, which includes Assemblies of God Churches, The 700 Club, Benny Hinn, Paul and Jan Crouch, TBN, Pentecostals and most con-artist televangelists.
God's power is not for display, entertainment, nor available at the whim of greedy men and women who masquerade as Christians to deceive the simple, distraught and hurting. God is not for sale. Like most lawyers, most televangelists are predators, preying upon people at dire moments in their life, sucking them dry financially, and taking advantage of their victims when they are most vulnerable. Hell will be hot!
I believe that Satan is a malicious person, the author of sin and the cause of the fall of mankind. I believe that he is the open and declared enemy of God and man, and that he and his angels will be eternally punished in the Lake of Fire (Job 1:6,7; Isaiah 14:12-17; Matthew 4:2-11; Matthew 25:41; Revelation 20:10).
Satan is a no good liar (John 8:44). Satan is often adored by witches and occultists as Lucifer, the angel of light (2nd Corinthians 11:13-15). Lucifer is the god of New Age occultism. Lucifer is Satan, the Devil. Satan's only purpose is to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). Satan at least desired to be EQUAL with God (Isaiah 14:14). This is the same sin of feminists today, i.e., demanding equality with masculine authority in the home and society. Feminism is a rot in any society, which ALWAYS leads to homosexuality, abortion and apostasy. Satan is a disembodied spirit, and influences the human spirit through mediums such as music, books and religion.
I believe that God is sovereign in the bestowment of all His gifts (Romans 12:6-8; Ephesians 4:11,12; 1st Corinthians 12:18).
I believe that the gift of tongues (languages) was a manifestation of the Holy Spirit's power solely for the demonstration of God's wisdom, purpose and power in the establishment of the early church. This gift was always a spoken, known language of that time. In sharp contrast, the Charismatic speaking-in-tongues done today in many professed churches today is demonic heresy and utter foolishness. No one in the Bible ever spoke in some unknown jibber-jabber, barking like dogs, rolling on the floor and acting crazy like Charismatics and Pentecostals do today (Acts 2:6; 1st Corinthians 14:22; Hebrews 2:4).
I believe that God does hear and answer, in accord with His own will, the prayer of faith for the sick and the afflicted (John 15:7; I John 5:14-15). God can heal, but physical healing is not included in Christ's work of redemption. God heals miraculously today when it is His perfect will to do so. Healing cannot be claimed through the guarantee of Jesus' work of redemption. At times God permits sickness not to be removed “... but Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick.” (2nd Timothy 4:20). Paul couldn't heal Trophimus. (2nd Corinthians 12:8-10; James 5:14-16).
John 15:24 tells us that Jesus did the works which no other man could do, such as healing amputees. This power is reserved for Jesus Christ alone to use at will.
I believe that apostleship, speaking in tongues, and the working of sign miracles gradually ceased as the New Testament Scriptures were completed and their authority became established (1st Corinthians 12:4-11; 13:8-10; 2nd Corinthians 12:12; Ephesians 4:7-12)
I believe that Jesus rose bodily from the dead and was seen by over 500 witnesses (1st Corinthians 15:6). Jesus ascended bodily into the clouds and was seen by many, and will return in like manner (Acts 1:11). I believe that before Jesus was resurrected, and after Jesus died on the cross, His body spent 72 hours (3 days and 3 nights) in the tomb, while His soul and spirit spent 72 hours (3 days and 3 nights) in paradise, which was a compartment of hell (sheol/hades) (Matt 12:40). Christ tells us that, “Are there not twelve hours in the day?...” (John 11:9) If there are 12 hours in a day, there are also 12 hours in a night, and this was the calculation by which Christ was working. If there are 12 hours in a day and 12 hours in a night, then 3 days and 3 nights are equal to 72 hours. I believe that Christ was crucified at about 9:00 A.M. on a Wednesday (Jewish time). I believe that Christ was buried from about 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. on a Wednesday. I believe that Christ rose again on a Saturday somewhere in between 3:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M.
The doctrines of “Good Friday” and “Easter Sunday” are heretical fallacies. I believe that when Jesus Christ was resurrected, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene. When Christ told Mary not to touch Him (John 20:17), I believe that this was because Jesus was getting ready to ascend to heaven with His shed blood in order to anoint the heavenly mercy seat. Just as no one was allowed to approach the high priest in the Old Testament, when he was entering into the tabernacle, and into the most holy place (holy of holies/ holy place of the holiest) with the blood of the animal sacrifice to anoint the earthly mercy seat, likewise, nobody was permitted to approach or come into physical contact with Christ, until after He ascended into the 3rd heaven with His blood, to sprinkle it upon the literal mercy seat in heaven. I believe that Christ ascended to heaven that very day in order to anoint the mercy seat, and that He returned to the earth and showed Himself alive to many other people, before His final ascension at the Mount of Olives (Acts 1:9-11).
I believe that traditions such as “Lent”, “Ash Wedesday”, and “Good Friday” are totally unscriptural, and are pseudo philosophical teachings not at all endorsed by God’s word. I believe there will be a future resurrection of the saved and of the lost (unsaved) (Daniel 12:2,3). Of the saved unto eternal life, and of the lost unto eternal conscious punishment. These two resurrections are separated by at least 1,000 years (Revelation 20:5,6; 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18; Daniel 12:2; Revelation 20:11-15).
Every believer should try to live in such a manner as not to bring reproach upon our Lord and Saviour. Separation from all religious apostasy, all worldly and sinful pleasures, practices, and associations is commanded by God, but not in order to be saved. This command is given to those that are already saved. 2nd Corinthians 6:14-17 commands believers to separate from worldliness and unbelievers. James 4:4 warns that friendship with the world makes one an enemy of God. 1st John 2:15-17 commands us not to love this sinful world, which will soon pass away (2nd Timothy 3:1-5; Romans 12:1,2; 14:13; 1st John 2:15-17; 2nd John 9-11; 2nd Corinthians 6:14-7:1).
I believe that children belong to their parents and not to the State; therefore, our children need an education that trains them not to walk in the counsel of the ungodly (Psalms 1:1). Colossians 2:8, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”
In this sicko age of GLSEN, where teenagers are being taught how to have homosexual fist-sex, the need for Christian education has never been greater.
When institutions are teaching you that your great grand daddy was an ape, then you know it is indoctrination. When an institution ignores God, then you know it is apostasy and indoctrination.
Homeschooling has been so effective that California and other States have now made it illegal to homeschool without a teaching license and a degree in education from a secular university. The purpose behind the public school system was to further the New World Order by allowing the government to brainwash children, rob children of faith in God with Evolution, turn them against their parents with environmentalism, promote fornication and abortion as acceptable, and teach children that voting is the most patriotic thing they can do.
The Public School System is the fulfillment of Karl Marx's 10th plank of his Communist Manifesto, whose aim is to destroy our children, leading them into apostasy and godlessness. Public schools don't educate, they INDOCTRINATE!
An American preacher of a very large church foolishly stated that it's wrong to criticize U.S. President Obama for any reason. The pastor used the Biblical text, “speak evil of no man” from Titus 3:2 and 2nd Peter 2:10. Unfortunately he took the verses way out of context. The Bible does not prohibit Christians from speaking out against evil; but rather, not speaking evil. The True Meaning Of Romans 13 (501C3 taxbreak has indoctrinated America's churches with heresy)
Christians ought to owe allegiance to government, which is ordained of God. Being patriotic and pledging allegiance to one's nation and flag are Biblical. However, we also have a duty as God-fearing Christians to rise up against evildoers and to stand up against the workers of iniquity (Psalm 94:16). Ephesians 5:11 commands believers to “refute” (Greek: elencho, meaning, “to expose”) all works of darkness. Daniel deliberately broke the law when it became illegal to pray. Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego deliberately broke the law, refusing to bow to Nebuchadnezzar's golden image. The Apostle Paul kept on preaching in Jesus' name, even though ordered by a magistrate not to do so.
The Bible never teaches for Christians willingly board Hitler's train to Auschwitz, nor to remain silent while the trains roll by with prisoners to be executed. At present in 2011, TSA are sticking their hands down American's pants and skirts at all airports to break the will of the people. Will it require your wife or daughter being violated, ogled by thugs, before you get angry? The notion that Christians ought to lay down and support criminal government is total apostasy and a lie of Satan. I believe in God, guns and guts! In July of 2011, gunless citizens of England in the U.K. revolted against government tyranny and baseball bat sales soared 6,541% in 24-hours. People should not tolerate the New World Order. Wake up!
If that wayward preacher is correct, then America’s founding fathers sinned against God by criticizing, mocking and rebelling against the harsh tyranny of the British authorities in the early colonies. Did the founding fathers of America do something wrong by speaking out against the evils being afflicted upon them by the British? Of course not!
There would be no United States of America today if it were not for the fighting resistance of their founding fathers against the governing authorities over them. They not only spoke evil of their leaders, they defeated them in combat!
Is it wrong to speak evil of Adolf Hitler? Hitler's war machine murdered an estimated 4 to 6 million Jews. Good Germans remained quiet, while the trains rolled by going to Auschwitz. Were they really good Germans in God's eyes? Psalm 94:16 commands us to stand up against tyranny and evil doers. Ephesians 5:11 commands us to refute all works of darkness. The Bible NEVER teaches for us to lay down as Christians and accept tyranny, blatant government crimes and theft, nor to support Communist leaders who break all their campaign promises.
During the Russian Revolution, millions of Russians went into the Gulag slaves camps, never to return home again. Millions froze to death in the Siberian Arctic. While children played in the streets, and life went about as usual, 15% of the population (political subversives, petty criminals, undesirables) eventually made their way, quietly and secretly (often by kidnapping), into the gulag detention centers to be worked to death. Tens-of-millions starved and froze to death under dictator Joseph Stalin (1920-1950). We ought not let these atrocities be forgotten, because history always repeats itself. Silence isn't golden, it is cowardly. Sadly, America, and the world, has become lands of cowards and homes of the slaves.
What is wrong with that wayward pastor? He is stupidly teaching his congregation of 10,000 people every Sunday that they should blindly support apostate and unsaved communist Obama. Obama is for abortion and infanticide. Obama is for homosexuality and expanding adoption rights to gays. Obama appointed the founder of G.L.S.E.N. to head the Safe Schools Program. Come on! How can you possibly support such a leader in your right mind? To claim that it is wrong to speak out against such evils is stupid, foolish, asinine, and preposterously absurd. At what point does a Christian have a Biblical duty or right to stand up against tyranny and speak out against evil? Immediately!
Titus 3:1-2 simply teaches us not to be slanderers, critics, or gossipers. God does not want us to be railers as Christians. We are all sinners and ought not condemn others for the personal sins in their lives. That is Biblical. However, when a leader takes CITIZENS money and sends young people to die in a fraudulent (bogus) war, using CITIZENS name, it is CITIZENS business. They are the taxpayers! It is the U.S. legal Bill of Rights (the First Amendment) to freedom of religion, speech, press, to peaceably assemble and petition. Moreover, the Bill of Rights only outlines the God given rights as human beings. If Christian citizens don't stand for what is right, then evil men will prevail.
Proverb 28:15, “As a roaring lion, and a ranging bear; so is a wicked ruler over the poor people.”
Proverb 29:12, “If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.”
Romans 13, plainly speaks about obeying good government . . .
Romans 13:3, “For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same.”
So what about rulers who are a terror? What about the naked body scanners established in the airports? Is this just? What about forced vaccinations? What about the 23.7 trillion stolen dollars by the rotten and corrupt U.S. Federal Reserve? Citizens money is being confiscated and given to abortionists, Communists and homosexuals. Is that ok? Only a fool would teach that Christians ought to bow down and tolerate tyranny, abuse and corruption.
The Bible teaches in Ephesians 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Yet sometimes our battle is also physical. America's founding fathers came to the place where they had no other choice, become total slaves or revolt. It was U.S. President, John F. Kennedy, who truly said . . .
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness! | Bible Study
False Religions | False Doctrines
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