Philippians 3:18, “For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ.”
In the calloused world in which we live, it is often thought of weakness to
tear-up or cry. But there's nothing more commendable in the world than sincere
tears from the heart. I'm not talking about the phony tears on television or
Hollywood, or the selfish tears of someone who wallows in self pity. I'm talking
about tears from the heart toward God when one hears the song, Amazing Grace, or
the tears that flow when one hears an atheist speak all manner of evil against
I recently watched a video of comedian George Carlin on YouTube titled, Religion Is Bullshit, in which he presents a very compelling view of religion and God. When the video finished, I cried because I liked George Carlin, and was saddened that he almost assuredly went to Hell in his sins, never having received the Lord Jesus as his Savior. Oh, that men would trust the Lord.
God wants us as believers to get into the habit of crying over lost souls, maintaining a tender heart of compassion and unconditional love toward others. Psalm 126:6, "He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." Notice the word, “weepeth.” This Scripture speaks of soul-winning, i.e., winning lost souls to Christ Jesus. God wants every believer to go soul-winning to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ crucified, buried and risen with lost sinners.
It is interesting that the Bible mentions “weeping” in connection with winning souls. It's been said, “People don't care what you know, until they know that you care.” This is especially true when it comes to preaching the Gospel. Many people have similar beliefs as George Carlin toward religion, having little or no respect for organized religion, and I certainly can share their sentiments. Much of the religious work done nowadays is centered upon making money, which is a shame. However, as genuine Christians we understand that salvation is not found in any religion; but rather, in the Person and redemptive work of Jesus Christ. Hence, it is imperative that God's children set themselves apart from the average apostate religious worker nowadays, by spending time in earnest prayer, abiding in Christ and His Word abiding in us through meditating upon the Scriptures, that we may have a broken heart toward lost sinners, which will be evidenced by weeping and sorrow over sin and lost souls.
Perhaps you've messed up your life because of sinful pride and foolishness. Despite one's sinful past, failures in life and many shortcomings, God can use those things to help others and to glorify His name. God can turn the stumblingstones in your life into steppingstones. Never allow anyone to discourage you with the past. Jesus died for “the ungodly” (Romans 4:5). Don't forget that. Jesus “came to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). Jesus died on the cross so that He could make everything right, knowing that we could not. Amen.
There are many self-righteous people in our churches today, who have yet to realize how sinful they are in God's eyes. The Bible teaches that those who are forgiven of the most sins are the ones who love God the most, for their debt of sin was great. Luke 7:47, "Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little." This woman had many sins. She came to Jesus and placed her faith in Him for forgiveness and she was saved. The Bible says “she loved much” because she had been forgiven of many sins. Seldom will tears fall the eyes of the believer who fails to realize the depths of their wickedness in God's eyes. A hypocrite is someone who views another person as being more sinful than them self. James 2:10 states, "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all." Oh, that believers would stop to realize just how sinful we all are in God's eyes, and how loving God is toward mankind, offering us a complete pardon for our sins by way of the blood sacrifice of His dear Son, Jesus Christ. Oh, how the tears would flow if believers would simply think upon this great Biblical truth.
In this selfish generation of pleasure-seekers, Christians included, it is very easy to neglect abiding in Christ and having His Word abide in us. Many professed believers errantly think they are abiding in Christ, but never go soul-winning, which is evidence that they are NOT abiding in Christ. John 15:5, "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." Notice the words, "the same bringeth forth much fruit." Few professed believers nowadays abide in Christ. Most churchgoers just go to church. Such apostate churchgoers dance to their Christian Rock music, talk about reaching others for Christ; but never actually go soul-winning. America is filled with these type of phony Christians. They never shed a tear over lost souls nor over the sinfulness of America. They attend Bible-studies and go to church functions; but they never go soul-winning, nor does the church have a scheduled time to go soul-winning.
As genuine Christians, may we seek to have a broken heart concerning the lost, and to get into the habit of expressing our heartfelt gratitude toward God for saving our wretched souls from the curse of sin and the Law. So many believers nowadays are ungrateful to God for their salvation. The abundantly sinful woman in Luke 7:47 had been abundantly forgiven by the merciful Savior and was abundantly thankful to God. May the Holy Spirit of God give to us a broken-hearted burden over the wickedness of our generation and over the billions of lost souls in this world, a burden which will clearly be evidenced by our frequent tears. Amen.
How does a person get to Heaven?
Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!
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