Salvation Begins with the Word of God
begins with the Word of God! Apart
from God’s Holy Word, we would be up a creek without a paddle. “Being
born again, not of corruptible
SEED, but of incorruptible, BY THE WORD OF GOD, which liveth and abideth for ever” (1st Peter 1:23). The
Word of God is NOT merely a book, the Word of God is alive! Notice the words, “...which liveth and abideth forever.” It is alive because Christ is alive. The
Bible is the “seed” in our heart that can sprout into new spiritual life. This
can only happen by the power of God’s Holy Spirit. Whether
or not the seed dies or lives is dependent upon you. The
seed is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you believe upon Christ, then the seed of God’s Word has sprung
new life in you through the Holy Spirit—God’s Holy Spirit born in you. You
will have been born-again. The bottom
line is that you CANNOT be saved without the Word of God for it is the very
seed which brings new life into your heart. If
you refuse to accept the Bible as God’s Word, then you are well nigh
hopeless my friend. I have witnessed
to many people who say they do NOT recognize the Bible as God’s Word.
Perhaps this is the greatest challenge of all for the
soul-winner—trying to convince a person that the Bible is God’s Word. Once
a person accepts the Bible as God’s Holy Word, then they are more likely to
listen to what you have to say from the Bible. I have even heard people
curse and say horrible things about the Bible. When a person tells me they don’t believe the Bible is God’s
Word, I realize that our conversation is nearly over because we are thinking
on two different wave lengths. We
have nothing in common on the matter. Everything I have to say as a Believer is based upon THE BIBLE. To search for salvation apart from God’s Word is futile. That’s
like telling a doctor you want to be healed without medicine or telling a
mechanic you want your car repaired without tools.
I’ve never met a Bible-rejecter who was willing to accept
Christ as Savior. You simply cannot
be saved without believing the Bible is God’s inspired Holy Word. If
you reject God’s Word, you are rejecting the light. There
are many people who will call themselves Christians but their faith is NOT
based upon the Word of God. Their faith is based upon a false religion, a personal philosophy, an
organization, etc. Your faith MUST be
based upon the Word of God and the truths it teaches concerning Christ and
salvation. If
a man will NOT accept the Written Word, neither will he accept the Living
Word. Do you accept the
Bible as God’s Word? You must
examine the Bible and make this decision for yourself, no one else can do it
for you. Pray and ask God to open the eyes of your understanding. Salvation
is a matter of the heart, let God’s Holy Word speak to your heart. It’s
been said, “If you want God to comb the kinks out of your head, you must
give Him your heart.”
The Word of God is Eternal
Word of God is eternal! The last
Word of Revelation already existed in heaven before the first verse in
Genesis was ever written. The Bible is eternal, without beginning or
end. “FOR EVER,
O LORD, thy word is settled
in heaven”
(Psalm 119:89). “Forever” means
without beginning or end. God
is forever eternal and so is His Word. His
Word is “settled.” God has not
revised, rewritten, paraphrased or changed His Word. Men
have NO RIGHT to alter and change God’s Word. There are hundreds of bibles on
the market that are counterfeits of the truth.
God Magnifies His Word Above His Own Name
magnifies His Word above His very name! “...for thou hast
(Psalm 138:2). How dare any man or
woman make light of the Word of God. To
make light of the Word of God is to make light of God Almighty. God’s
Word is more important than God’s name. Why?
Because God would be a liar if His Word was not truth. God’s
name would mean nothing if His Word was unreliable! Do
you see how important the Bible is? It
is a dangerous thing to tamper with the Bible. You
CANNOT love God and hate the Bible. You CANNOT neglect your Bible and stay
in fellowship with the Lord. The
Bible means everything to the serious-minded Believer. And
by the way—I don’t care how much Bible knowledge you may posses, If you
don’t spend time daily walking with your God, you will be carnal. How sad it is to hear of Christian people who mistreat and injure
others. They have a surplus of
Scriptural knowledge but somewhere along the way got away from walking with
God. This is the danger of success.
The Word of God Became Incarnate
learn from various Scriptures that the Bible is more than just a book, it is
a person. “In the beginning was the
Word, and the Word was with God, and
(John 1:1). “And
FLESH, and dwelt among us,
(and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,)
full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). Jesus
Christ is the LIVING WORD, the Bible is the WRITTEN WORD. Jesus
is the Word of God. “And he was
clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called
(Revelation 19:13). Let me say, to
spend time with God’s Word is to spend time with God. If
we obey the Bible, we are obeying God. If
we don’t believe the Bible, we are spitting on God.
The Word of God is Powerful
No One Can Escape the Word of God
Many people are scared of the Bible. The Bible scares many people because it demands an answer. Everyone must decide whether or not there is a Hell, a Heaven, a God, a Devil, eternal damnation, life beyond the grave, et cetera. Every single human being must decide these things. The Bible is a constant reminder that time is running out. You cannot read and familiarize yourself with the Bible without being convicted by the Holy Spirit of God for He is the Divine Author. John 3:20 tells us why many people avoid the Bible, “For every one that DOETH EVIL hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, LEST HIS DEEDS SHOULD BE REPROVED. The Bible is a book of conviction. Many people miss out on salvation because of their love for sin, because they refuse to admit that they’re ways are sinful. You see my friend, you can’t get saved until you admit that you’re a sinner, deserving of Hell. If you're not willing to confess your sins by admitting your wicked ways to yourself first and then to God, then you don’t need a Savior. Many people will not be honest with themselves. If there’s no crime, then there’s no punishment. Do you see your need for Christ?
you do not accept the Bible as God’s Word. I
once heard a man say that he would never accept the Bible as God’s Word
until God Himself handed it to him. This
man is living dangerously! That’s
like saying he won’t be careful around electricity unless he can see it or
saying he won’t look before crossing the street unless he can hear the cars. Faith
requires us to believe in spite of the doubts which we may have. No one has an excuse not to follow after God. If
you do not believe in God or fail to acknowledge His Word as being inspired,
I encourage you to read Romans chapter one (the entire chapter). If
you still do not accept the Bible as God’s Word after reading Romans Chapter
one, it’s only because you have not glorified God in your life. One
of the chapters in my book is entitled “When They Knew God.” It’s
a brief Bible study from Romans chapter one. This
is a practical lesson but to the point. There is not a clearer passage in the entire Bible concerning those
who run from God.
The Word of God is Precious
The Word of God is precious to the Believer because of all the thousands of promises which God has given us. Our very hope of salvation is based upon our faith in God’s Word. The Bible is not merely a book—It is THE BOOK. Our attitude toward the Bible is a direct indication of our attitude toward God Almighty. Sometimes Christians are called “narrow-minded.” All Believers ought to be as narrow-minded as the Bible. Too many people are experts on evil and dirty thinking. God wants us to be naive concerning evil and knowledgeable concerning good.“...I would have you WISE unto that which is good, and SIMPLE concerning evil” (Romans 16:19). This means we need to spend more time reading our Bible than we do reading the newspaper. We should hear from God before we hear from man. We should avoid listening to gossip. Learn to say, “I really don’t need to hear this.” It is good for us to get into the Word, but it is MUCH BETTER for the Word to get into us. The Spirit of Christ comes into our heart at the moment we accept Christ as our Savior. As we read and study the Word of God, the Spirit of Christ will reveal to us the true meaning of His Word. The Word of God is inseparable to our salvation and our Christian growth. We must prioritize the Bible as the center of our thoughts and meditate upon the Scriptures throughout our daily lives.
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