by Justyn
[Updated 13.June.2004 by abugian to include population data.]
Cult Organization
Church of Christ - Iglesia de Cristo
Kirche Christi (German); Igreja de Cristo (Portuguese); Eglise du Christ (French)
(May 10, 1886-April 12, 1963)
President Executive Minister
Philippine Membership
Baptized Converts - 6,224 (1997); 7,933 (1998);
13,247 (1999)
INC Population in the Philippines:
[Not an exact
figure. Source:
1974-79: 500,000 - 1,400,000
1984: 1,000,000
1996: 1,680,000
1998: 858,000
1999: 3,000,000
of Authority
- Teachings and prophetic interpretations of Felix Y. Manalo.
- The Holy Bible (any text version except those that doesn't support their theology)
- Pasugo (first published 1939) or God's Message Magazine - contains doctrines and commentaries written by the INC ministers.
- INC executive minister, authorities and local ministers.
Countries Penetrated (66)
- Africa - 8
- Central America - 4
- North America - (a) Canada - 6 (b) U.S.A. - 39
- South America - 2
- Caribbean - 1
- Asia - 23
- Australia & Oceania - 11
- Europe - 15
Unbiblical Beliefs
- Vehemently oppose the Biblical revelation of the Triune God.
- Believes in the absolute oneness of God the Creator in the Person of the Father.
- Believes the Son as the literal Word (which has no pre-existence) who became man. He was given power by the Father to do supernatural miracles. He is not God.
- Believes in an impersonal Holy Spirit, a power sent by the Father in the name of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is not God but one of the spirits sent by God.
- Believes the Father (Creator) and Son (creature) must be worshipped. The Son must be worshipped because the Father says so.
- Believes a person must hear the "gospel" from authorized INC messengers and INC ministers. They are the only ones who have God's Holy Spirit in order for them to understand the Bible.
- Believes the official name of the church is "Iglesia ni Cristo" while other names are not.
- Believes a person must be a member of the Iglesia ni Cristo (INC), be water baptized, follow the church rules (must avoid the eating of "dinuguan," avoid joining labor unions, avoid court sessions, do block voting, be under compulsory church attendance, practice giving to the church) and perform his good deeds as an INC member in order for him to be saved.
- Believes Felix Y. Manalo is the fulfillment of Isaiah 43:5-7; 46:11, and Rev. 7:2-3 prophecies.
- They also believe in "soul sleep," a belief that at death, the souls dies. There is no consciousness. (A belief of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church - Ellen G. White).
How to Start a Conversation with an Iglesia ni Cristo (INC) Member
First, you can place a Christian tract on top
of his working table or hand it to him
personally. If he/she is a zealous I.N.C.,
he/she will be the one to open up the door of
- Pray that the Lord will open a door for a spiritual conversation between the both of you.
- Suggest a topic for both of you to discuss preferably on essential teachings (e.g. deity of Jesus Christ, Salvation, Authority, etc.). Do not dwell on peripheral issues such as the eating of "dinuguan", tithes, manner of clothing, etc. for these cannot contribute to a person's salvation.
- Always bear in mind that when an INC says "God" what he has in mind is always the "Father." Therefore do not ever say to him, "I will prove to you that Jesus is God" because you have just said, "I will prove that Jesus is the Father." Rather say, "I believe the Scripture not only tell us that Jesus has the nature of 'man' but also has the nature of 'God' as well. Could we check that out?"
- Always say, "The INC authorities said..." rather than "You said..." to avoid offending the person you're talking to. This will also prevent him from building more walls against the gospel.
- Whenever the INC member quote a passage supporting their set of beliefs do not just jump to another passage to prove your point. Rather, explain first the context of the passage he just quoted before proceeding onto another supporting verse--do this only when you feel that he has fully understood your explanation. Remember "the Scripture supports each other and does not contradict one another."
- Always throw a set of question so that he could think it over. Like this example below:
Christian: Who are you expecting to come during the last day? Is it the Father or the Son?
INC: The Son (If he says "the Father" then you can point out Rev. 1:7 and ask him, "Who is the One coming with the clouds that was "pierced?" Surely it doesn't mean the "Father" for according to the INC's doctrine, He is "Spirit" in John 4:23)
Christian: Now Who is the One speaking in Rev. 1:8 about Him being "the Alpha and the Omega... who is who was and who is to come, the Almighty?"
INC: Well the One speaking is the Father, of course.
Christian: But wait, haven't you told me awhile ago that in verse 7 the One coming with the clouds is the Son. Then why did you understood verse 8 as the Father talking since it says very clearly "who is to come, the Almighty?"
- You can also ask him, "Are you willing to go to hell just because of someone else's false teachings? Surely you won't get the INC ministers to be your advocate when you face God on the day of judgment. Can you?" And if he says "Of course not!" Then you can say, "That's right! Even I do not depend on someone's else's preaching, rather I investigate and study it myself."
- Before parting ways, ask permission if you can pray for him. If not, then lift him up in prayer during your private moments with God.
Things to Remember Before Witnessing to an INC Member
- Be sure to know his theology first before embarking on witnessing. Know why he believe what he believe.
- Study every Scripture passage that they misquote and twist in order to explaining that Jesus Christ was only human.
- Be very familiar with your Bible so that there will be no idle moments for him to interrupt what you're saying.
- Be alert on every explanation he presents so that you will have something use these against the INC's false doctrines.
- Do not forget to share him the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ang Dating Daan - Cult Profile The Kingdom of Jesus Christ, The Name Above Every Name, Inc. - Cult Profile |
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