"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
—Proverb 22:6
Proverb 22:6 is clear... a child will continue in the path he or she is set
in motion. This is why Hilary Clinton wants to force America's parents to enroll
their children into public schools at a much earlier age. This means that
children in the government's public school system will be brainwashed from a
much earlier age with demonic agendas. Listen to what Joseph Stalin, a brutal
mass-murdering Communist, said:
“Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”
—Communist dictator, Joseph Stalin (1934)
The only sure way to protect your child is to either homeschool your child or enroll them into a private school which doesn't homosexualize children. Eventually our nation's laws will become more like China's slave society, where parents are subject to forced abortion, forced sterilization, restriction of freedom of speech, and other forms of government tyranny. Satan has a bid for your child mom and dad. The Devil wants your teen. Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4) and he is the master of most Americans today.
If you support rights for homosexuals, then you are pulling on the same rope as the Devil. Satan is in control of America today—because its citizens love sin and pleasure more than God and truth. Philippians 3:19 states: "Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things." The average American today lives for their stomach, literally, as evidenced by the obesity problem in America. Most Americans and Europeans today are selfish, self-willed and self-righteous.
If you walk down the street naked, except in sicko places like Brattleboro, Vermont, you'll get arrested. Why? It's because public nudity is morally wrong. Nothing that is morally wrong should be legally permitted. Even the Muslims (whom Americans love to demonize as ruthless and crazy) have enough morality to legally forbid nudity, abortion and homosexuality in their countries. Who's the sickos? Americans murder their own children and call it "Planned Parenthood." I missed the part about where the "planning" to be a parent comes in. What kind of "plan" is killing your baby? Murderers!!!
Children are extremely impressionable, so if you encourage them to become
homosexual to gain the praise of their teacher and fellow classmates—many will.
Hell will be hot enough for those wicked people today who support and promote
the vile sin of homosexuality. The public school system is straight out of the
pits of Hell. I feel sorry for any child who has to sit in a Godless classroom
with some immoral nutcase for a so-called teacher, who brainwashes that child to
believe that mankind evolved from slime, that there is no God and it's ok to
live in a freakish homosexual union which cannot produce any natural offspring,
sticking your hands up each other's rear-ends. Truly, America has gone insane!
Teach Your Children That Homosexuality is a Sin
Every parent needs to "train up their child" in the ways of God. The Devil works to corrupt societies' children, who are tomorrow's future leaders and citizens. Every child needs to be taught the truth of God's Word that homosexuality is a dirty, rotten sin! Homosexuality is not an acceptable lifestyle. Homosexuality brings many diseases such as AIDS and other infections. Homosexuality is disgusting in every sense. God never intended for two men to have sex, or for two women to have sex. God created male and female, respectively. Only when a society, such as the United States, abandons God and the Bible, do we see sins such as abortion and homosexuality flourish.
Because of the demonic influences of feminism upon women, lesbianism is far more prevalent today than homosexuality is amongst men. This is tragic. Feminism's dead end is lesbianism. Every mother needs to steer her daughter away from feminist thinking. Feminism and homosexuality are inseparably linked. Parents are responsible to teach their children about the evils of homosexuality. Explain to your children that the public school is of the Devil, which is why Evolution is taught instead of Creationism. This is why demonic Harry Potter movies are aired for the children in many public schools. This is why the Bible is banned from being read by public school teachers to any of the children.
No God = No Bible = No morals
= No problem with homosexuality
= A Godless society
Life starts and ends with God. If you get away from that you're in big trouble.
Public schools are intended to lead children away from God. Is it any wonder why
America is so messed up today? Every child needs to be taught the Bible, and to
learn the Commandments of God.
The Homosexualization of Public Schools
As far as keeping the GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Educational Network) out of
your public school, don't count on it. The public school system is a diabolic
organization, which was deliberately founded to fulfill Karl's Marx's Communist
Manifesto (see
Plank 10). The public school system is government controlled,
which allows governmental brainwashing of America's children with New Age,
immoral and other sicko agendas.
This is all part of the Satanic conspiracy to usher in a New World Order (NWO), i.e., the Beast system of the coming Antichrist. Only a fool would deny the NWO, considering that the very one dollar bill in his pocket mocks his intelligence. Every one dollar bill is saturated with evidence of the Illuminati and NWO.
As believers we don't need to understand all the workings of the NWO; but we do need to comprehend the big picture to understand the perilous times that we are living in. And now with a vile Communist U.S. President, Barack Obama, we are doomed to moral destruction!
At a minimum, parents of children in the public school system need to cry aloud against the wickedness of GLSEN. In fact, we all need to expose this evil, regardless of whether our child is enrolled into a public school or not. GLSEN is a Communist, Anti-God, Anti-America, Anti-Family organization intended to homosexualize America's children in the name of "rights." It is because America's pastors have become apostate—compromised, milquetoast, weak-kneed and cultured—that America is going to hell today. America spits on God.
Where are the men of God today who cry aloud against wickedness, uncompromisingly preach the truth without apology, and care for the souls of men enough to proclaim the simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? America is suffering a horrible spiritual drought of preaching preachers today. Rise up oh Christians, make some noise!
Even so come Lord Jesus!
We need to give up our WRONGS, not our RIGHTS!
GLSEN Teaches Massachusetts Public School Teens How to Have Homosexual "Fist Sex"!
God Loves People (All people!)
Sinful Times Ahead for America
Christianity Today is PRO Homosexual
Gay Friendly Christians
(Christianity Today Doesn't Want to Ban Gay Marriage!)
Hooray For Dan Cathy Of “Chick-Fil-A” Restaurants
Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse
Help Protect America's Children — FIGHT the Homosexual and Pedophilia Agenda!
Should Christians Love Their Homosexual Neighbors?
(2005 Movie “HATE CRIME” attempts to demonize
Bible-preaching Christians)
Why Can't My Daddies Get Married?
'Pedophile Priests' and Boy Scouts
The Catholic Church's Abu Ghraib
Gay Men and Lesbians Utilizing Infertility
Clinics to Have Babies
Who Said That Homosexuality is "Gay"?
783 New Sex Abuse Claims Against
the Catholic Church in 2005!
Homosexuals Want Ernie and Bert to Get Married On TV
Conan O'Brien Officiates Same-Sex Jewish Marriage on Late Night TV (America is on the brink of Destruction!)
Hollywood is Worse Than Sodom!
NAMBLA Exposed!
North American Man/Boy Love Association)
It's No White Picket Fence!
White Was Right!
(Football Player Says Homosexuality is Wrong!)
Homosexuals Target America's Children
Born Gay? ...God Doesn't Make Mistakes!
Homosexuals in San Francisco Stage Riotous Protest at Local Baptist Church
Affirmative Action for Homosexuals?
Reclaiming the Rainbow for God!
Homosexual Child Molester MONSTERS!
Homosexuality and Pedophilia
(Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia)
Socrates was a Pederast Homosexual
GLSEN Teaches Massachusetts Public School Teens How to Have Homosexual "Fist Sex"!
Lesbian Couple Guilty of Gruesome Murder
(4-year old killed for refusing to call his
mother's lesbian lover "daddy")
Homosexuality and Same Sex Marriage
George Michael Urges Gays to Take Religion Seriously
Homosexual Marriage is a Sin!
(The Only Gay Marriage is Between
a Man and a Woman)
Swedish Pastor Sentenced for 'Hate Speech'
Sodom Would Have Repented ...But Not America!!!
Beware of the Catholic Church!
(Homosexual Pedophiles Want to Violate Your Child!)
Homosexual Priests
by Dr. Max D. Younce, Th.D.
Homosexuality is Against Nature’s Order
Homosexuality a Factor in Sex Abuse by Catholic Priests
Homosexuals and the Pedophile Connection
The Homosexualization of America!
Homosexuals Target Children
(Sponge Bob, Barney promote 'gay' tolerance) (61,000 schools to receive "We Are Family"
video with lesson plan)
Report: Pedophilia more common among 'gays'
(Research purports to reveal 'dark side'
of homosexual culture)
Children's Book Portraying Homosexual Romance and Marriage —Read to Second-grade Class by Teacher!
Sayville, New York: Modern Sodom!
(The town is so homosexual that it is commonly referred to as "Gayville")Homosexuality and Psychiatry
(Homosexuality is VERY ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR!)
(Exposed: The Myth That Psychiatry Has Proven
That Homosexual Behavior Is Normal)Public employees teach kids 'gay' sex
(Workshops reportedly instruct youths in
how to perform homosexual acts)
The Communist Subversion of America's Kids!
Baptist Church Embraces Lesbian Minister
The New Oxford Annotated Bible
(New Bible Translation Is Hit With Homosexual Activists)
Dr. Marten Woudstra, Sodomite, Homosexual, and Chairman of the NIV Old Testament Committee!
NIV — Homosexual On Translation Committee!
Why isn't the word "sodomite" in the NIV?
The New International Version and. . . Homosexuality!
Prayers for Bobby Film Distorts God's Love
(Gay rights has nothing to do with
God's love)
Prayers for Bobby Film is Demonic Propaganda
(evil film says teaching that homosexuality is a sin is bigotry and dehumanizing slander)
BEWARE of Conversations With God Series
(Religious book promote lesbianism
to teens and children!)
God Created Adam and Eve... NOT ADAM AND STEVE!
(God Doesn't Make Mistakes!)
(Windows Media Audio sermon
by Pastor Jeff Owens)
Fistgate (Students given graphic instruction in bizarre
homosexual sex acts by
state employees)
Obama Appoints Sicko GLSEN Founder, Kevin Jennings,
to Head “Safe Schools”
'Parents' No Longer Recognized By Schools
2010 Census Shows 13,000 Same-Sex Couples
Live in Wisconsin
(Woe unto America!)
PERVERT ALERT! - Pedophile Priests and the Boy Scouts
George Bush Cheers Gay Church!
High Court to Give 'Gays' Their Own 'Roe'?
Education Secretary Blasts PBS for
Cartoon with Gay Characters
Teachings of the Bible on sexual life, its
glories, problems and deliverance
While homosexuals claim they make up 10% of the
population, the reality is
closer to 1-2%
Homosexuality 101: A Primer (.PDF)
(Provides a brief history of the homosexual movement in the U.S. and its roots in Marxist ideology. This paper describes how homosexuals terrorized the psychiatric community and have created a marketing strategy to vilify their opponents.)
Homosexuals Recruit Public School Children (.PDF)
Homosexual Behavior Fuels AIDS and STD Epidemic (.PDF)
A Gender Identity Disorder Goes Mainstream (.PDF)
Homosexual Propaganda Campaign Based on
Hitler’s “Big Lie” Technique (.PDF)
Homosexual Sex = Death from HIV Infection (.PDF)
Traditional Values Coalition Exposes
Homosexual Agenda (.PDF)
GLSEN Fistgate Scandal at Tufts Detailed
By Massachusetts News:
http://www.massnews.com/past_issues/2000/Schools/fistarc.htmParents Rights Coalition Exposes
GLSEN's Radical Agenda:
https://www.massresistance.org/docs/info/kbase/horror_stories.htmlHomosexual Teacher Group Targets Kindergartners
Fistgate Teachers Knew They Were Violating Trust
TVC's Executive Director Takes On GLSEN With Bill O'Reilly
The GLSEN Files-SteveKaneShow.com:
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/669716/postsQueering The Schools:
http://www.city-journal.org/html/13_2_queering_the_schools.htmlNational Association For Research And Therapy Of Homosexuality: Activism In The Schools:
http://www.narth.com/menus/schools.htmlCrafting Bi/Homosexual Children:
http://www.regent.edu/acad/schlaw/academics/lawreview/articles/14_2Reisman.PDFChild Molestation And The Homosexual Movement:
Homosexuality Behavior & Pedophilia:
How To Keep Gay Straight Alliance
Clubs Out Of Your Public School:
Critical Analysis Of GLSEN's Same-Sex
Marriage Curriculum For Teens:
Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!
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