The New International Translation (NIV) is straight out of the pits of Hell. The
man appointed to be the Chairman of the Old Testament Committee of the NIV
Committee on Bible Translation, Dr. Marten Woudstra, was a homosexual. Also,
Virginia Mollenkott, who worked as the stylistic editor for the translation, is
a proud lesbian. Some of Dr. Woudsta's collaborators on the NIV knew about his
homosexuality years ago during the translation process. The fact that a
homosexual oversaw the translating of the Old Testament should be alarming to
anyone who loves the Lord Jesus Christ and recognizes the Word of God as the
most important Book in their life. The sad truth is that at least two known
homosexuals influenced the NIV used in most churches today.
Dr. Virginia Mollenkott, a literary critic on the NIV translation is an open lesbian. In the Episcopal magazine, Witness (June 1991, pp. 20-23), she admits,
“My homosexuality has always been a part of me...”
Although Mollenkott's lesbianism may possibly have been concealed from the NIV translators at the time she worked with them, the fact of the matter is that she did have an influential part as a literary critic in the work. Albeit, the flaming homosexuality of Dr. Marten Woudstra was no secret to the Committee On Biblical Translation (CBT). Woudstra was the chairman, the top man in charge of the Old Testament work of translation.
The Bible is our Final Authority and is not something that was intended to read like the Sunday paper nor a comic book. The Bible was Authored by an authoritative God Who hates sin and called homosexuals “sodomites” for a reason, that is, to associate the sin of homosexuality with the wicked city of Sodom, which God utterly destroyed with fire and brimstone as an EXAMPLE of what would happen to all the wicked, which definitely includes lesbians and homosexuals. Jude 1:7, “Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.”
No wonder why you can't find the word “sodomite” in the NIV? Look it up in Deuteronomy 23:17, I Kings 14:24, 15:12, 22:46, II Kings 23:7. Do you think an avowed homosexual put her two cents in it? If so, what about “the accuracy” everybody's talking about? Dr. Woudstra was the CHAIRMAN of the Old Testament committee and chose to remove the word “sodomites” from the Bible entirely. Woe unto the NIV translators and publishers!
The following is a report by Mr. Michael Penfold of England, UK...
In a letter to me [Michael J. Penfold] dated Dec. 18th 1996, in reply to my investigation into her true role on the NIV, Virginia Mollenkott wrote the following revealing letter:
"[Virginia Mollenkott writes] 'I worked on the NIV during the entire time it was being translated and reviewed, although I was never free to attend the summer sessions even when I was invited to do so. Elisabeth Elliot and I were the Stylistic Consultants: our job was simply to make sure the translation would communicate clearly to modern American readers, and that the style was as smooth and understandable as possible. I was never removed, sacked, or made redundant from my work on the NIV; if I were, my name would not have appeared on the list sent out by the IBS. It was Dr. Edwin Palmer, who lived near my college, who invited me to work on the NIV. He had heard me speak and respected my integrity and my knowledge. So far as I know, nobody including Dr. Palmer suspected that I was lesbian while I was working on the NIV; it was information I kept private at that time.
Dr. Palmer always sent me the batches of translating to review, and I always returned them (with my comments) to him. I have not kept track of which of my suggestions made it into the final version; I am a busy person, and it was a labour love in the scriptures. I do not think anything concerning homosexuality was in any of the batches I reviewed. I do not consider the NIV more gay-friendly than most modern translations, so I do not understand why anybody would want to bash the NIV because a closeted lesbian worked on it. I was not a translator; if I were I would have argued that the word/concept "homosexual" is too anachronistic to be utilised in translating an ancient text. But I was a stylist and nobody asked me.
I no longer have any contact with the NIV-CBT, but I am often amused to remember that I frequently refused my $5 an hour stipend because I heard the project was running out of money. At the time I was naive about how many millions of dollars are made by a successful Bible translation! Please tell Kenneth Barker for me that although there is much controversy about homosexuality among Biblical scholars, to my knowledge nobody denies that the Bible condemns lying about other people. He should be ashamed of his attempt to rewrite history.
"'Somewhere in my files is the letter I got thanking me for my work on the NIV when the project was completed. I also have the slipcase version sent out to the whole NIV team in 1978 by Zondervan; and I have the tenth-anniversary edition sent out to the whole team in 1988 by the International Bible Society. Various other editions were also sent out gratis to the translation committee and stylists, but I have received nothing since 1988 that I can remember. Because I am idealistic and sincere, it never occurred to me that anyone would lie about my contributions, so I was not meticulous about keeping records. Thank you for anything you can do to set the record straight. You may utilise this letter to do so, and I'd appreciate you sending me a copy of anything you generate. Sincerely, Virginia Ramey Mollenkott.'
"Why could not Dr. Barker have told the truth in the first place? Taking Mollenkott's words at their face value, the NIV publicity machine has nothing to worry about. Does their anxiety to distance the NIV from homosexual associations reveal something more sinister?
"In the light of the following, I believe it does, as it has now come to light that THE CHAIRMAN OF THE NIV'S OLD TESTAMENT TRANSLATION COMMITTEE, DR. MARTEN H. WOUDSTRA, WAS A HOMOSEXUAL. This is much more serious than Mollenkott's involvement. Here we have one of the leading scholars on the NIV CBT who is a homosexual. Obviously this fact compromises the whole project, especially as this fact was well known by his colleagues for many years. However, only now is this fact coming to the notice of the general public through articles like the one you are reading.
"Dr. Woudstra, who died in the early 1990s, was a long-time friend of Evangelicals Concerned Inc. This organisation was founded in 1976 by New York psychologist, Dr. Ralph Blair, as a nation-wide task force and fellowship for gay and lesbian 'evangelical Christians' and their friends. ECI's address is 311 East 72nd Street, New York, NY 10021.
"It was during a series of research phone calls to Dr. Blair that I first confirmed the fact of Dr. Woudstra's homosexuality. Blair and Dr. Woudstra were friends. Dr. Woudstra had been on the mailing list of Evangelicals Concerned from its inception, and although he had no formal ties with ECI, on one of his many trips to New York he called in and had tea with Dr. Blair. Dr Blair told me that Dr. Woudstra shared the viewpoint of ECI that lifelong 'loving monogamous relationships' between gay men or women were acceptable to God. He believed that there was nothing in the Old Testament (his special area of technical expertise) that corresponded to 'homosexual orientation'. The 'sodomy' of the OT simply involved temple rites and gang rape (Gen 19). Notice the similarity between this view and that of Virginia Mollenkott. Dr. Blair clearly stated to me on the phone on 23rd September 1997 that Dr. Woudstra, a lifelong bachelor, was a homosexual. He intimated that other members of the NIV translation committee were also quietly supportive of ECI, but he was not able to tell me who they were (for obvious reasons). He later called them 'bigger' names than Dr. Woudstra.
"As to Dr. Marten Woudstra theologically, he was once the OT Professor at Calvin Seminary, the college of the Christian Reformed Church (Dutch Calvinistic). Over 70% of this denomination's churches now use the NIV. Dr. Woudstra was considered very 'conservative' within Calvin Seminary. He wrote the Joshua Commentary in the New International Commentary on the Old Testament (Eerdmans) which was also contributed to by such illustrious 'evangelical' names as F.F. Bruce.
"In 1973 the Christian Reformed Church published their official position relative to homosexuality. There is currently discussion, debate and disagreement over the issue of homosexuality within the CRC as in the wider Reformed denominations. For instance, the CRC's sister denomination, the Reformed Church of the Netherlands, took the position in 1979 of actually approving homosexual behaviour within certain bounds. This is a more liberal position than the CRC has ever yet taken. Is it not incredible to think how far the CRC has travelled over the years when one considers some of the former teachers, professors and presidents Calvin Seminary has had, such as Harry Bultema, Herman Hoeksema, H.J. Kuiper, Louis Berkof and William Hendrikson, to name a few.
"In 1970, the CRC Synod appointed a six man committee to study homosexuality. Its report was adopted by the same Synod in 1973. One of the six, Clarence Boomsma, was four times moderator of the CRC and pastor of two CRC churches. In fact Boomsma held the record for the longest pastorate in the CRC; 35 years in the CRC church in Grand Rapids, near the Calvin Seminary.
"I called Clarence Boomsma on the phone in October 1997, and had a long talk about Dr. Woudstra since he had know him for many years and had been his friend. HE TOLD ME THAT DR. WOUDSTRA ASSISTED THEM IN WRITING THE REPORT ON HOMOSEXUALITY. I have a copy of the complete report in my office. It takes a compromised 'middle line' between the Biblical anti-homosexuality absolute, and the Reformed Church of the Netherlands liberal acceptance of homosexual behaviour within certain bounds.
"Let me quote a few lines from the report (Report 42, Art. 53, 1973):
"'In fact, its [homosexuality] origin is so unclear as to be finally a mystery' (page 613)
"'As the cause of homosexuality is uncertain, so is the possibility of correcting it' (page 614)
"'Responsibility and the possibility of personal guilt for the homosexual arises at the point where he must decide what he will do with his sexuality. It is here that the Christian homosexual must ask what God's will is for him in the same way as the Christian heterosexual must ask what he must do in obedience to God with his sex drive' (page 616)
"[Note here the clever but wrong comparison being drawn. For a man to desire sexual relations with a woman is not wrong within the marriage relationship. However, for a man to desire sexual relations with another man is always wrong in all circumstances].
"'From this story [Genesis 19, Sodom & Gomorrah] read as an isolated incident we cannot conclude however that homosexualism is here condemned' (page 617).
"[Note that this report took the position that a person may be a homosexual by birth (homosexualism) due to the fallen and irregular nature of humanity, but should not practice homosexual acts (homosexuality)!]
"'In how far the prohibition of homosexualism [in Leviticus 18:21 & 20:13] is binding on us is therefore a question that remains' (page 619).
"'It has been suggested that the use of these words [malakoi and arsenokoitai in I Corinthians 6:9-10] stresses the activity rather than the condition of homosexuality' (page 619)
"[Note this vital belief of Dr. Woudstra. This is the reasoning behind the very clever translation in the NIV in I Corinthians 6 'homosexual offenders'. Thus the NIV here allows a person to be a homosexual, as long as they don't offend.]
"The report refers constantly to the 'Christian homosexual', and urges that he 'deserves the same acceptance, recognition, compassion and help that is given to any person (page 626). Since the report urges a fully functional place in the church for 'Christian homosexuals' is it any wonder that, according the Boomsma, the CRC has currently (1997) one openly 'celibate' homosexual minister who has 'come out'. All through the report one is struck with the similarities it bears to the views of Virginia Mollenkott. Even the title of her book 'Is The Homosexual My Neighbour' finds an echo on page 631 of the CRC's Homosexuality Committee's 1973 report where paragraph 2 begins 'Love for the homosexual neighbour...'
"The 1973 report advised homosexual ministers to seek pastoral and psychological help to cope with their desires, but stopped short of condoning homosexual practice. Boomsma felt that although the CRC should understand and 'sympathise' (page 630) with the struggle homosexuals faced, for which they may bear minimal responsibility (page 631), it could not make an exception and allow such people to engage in 'homosexual activity' that is wrong. This is still the view of the CRC in general.
"Taking the scriptural principle of two witnesses, I will now add the comments of Clarence Boomsma regarding the sexuality of his friend Dr. Woudstra, the Chairman of the NIV Old Testament Committee. Boomsma made the following statement to me on the phone on 25th October 1997; I wrote it down verbatim: 'It is generally believed among us [Christian Reformed Church and Calvin Seminary] that Dr. Woudstra was a homosexual.'
"I asked Boomsma if Dr. Woudstra was an 'active' homosexual. Although he knew Dr. Woudstra's views on homosexuality very well and holds in his possession a written dissertation by Dr. Woudstra on the subject, he did not feel free to comment on its contents. However, he did tell me about a '[homosexual] incident' in Dr. Woudstra's career in which his professorship was at stake. Woudstra survived and was not fired by the Seminary.
"Boomsma also spoke of Dr. Woudstra's frequent trips to New York 'which like all large cities has a large homosexual population'. On his return Woudstra would tell Boomsma how much he enjoyed the 'plays' in New York. I asked were these 'gay plays'. Boomsma would only say that New York has a large gay culture and is dotted with gay bars, and it was his impression that his friend, Dr. Woudstra, took part in this side of New York's social scene.
"I submit this research as I feel it has a direct bearing on how the NIV treats homosexuality. By removing the word sodomy and sodomite from the Old Testament, the language is changed and new ideas are introduced. By speaking of homosexual 'offenders' in I Corinthians chapter 6, the NIV allows for people to be homosexual as long as they don't 'offend' by being 'active'; and this is the position of the Christian Reformed Church, Calvin Seminary, Evangelicals Concerned, and who knows, quite a few other members of the NIV Translation Committee other than the late Dr. Woudstra. The fact that Leviticus denounces homosexuality in total does not worry them as such ethical condemnations do not apply today! ''A corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit'' (Matthew 7:17)."
If this is not convincing enough that the NIV is straight from Hell, then consider this--The parent company (Harper Collins) who publishes the NIV, also publishes The Joy of Gay Sex, and The Satanic Bible. It doesn't take a whole lot of common sense to figure this out folks. The NIV is evil and corrupt.
Furthermore, the NIV is based upon the work of two of the biggest heretics and occultists of all time--Westcott and Hort. Westcott himself was one of the founders of the Cambridge Ghost Society. Westcott and Hort were psychic Ghost Hunters. Not to mention that the NIV was translated from the corrupted Alexandrian Greek texts.
Look at I Corinthians 6:9 which talks about how the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God. The King James Bible says,
"effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind"
The King James says ALL homosexuals are unrighteous. What does the NIV say?
“Male prostitutes, nor homosexual offenders”
The NIV says only law breaking homosexuals are unrighteous. Oh, I see, so what you're saying is committing sodomy and other perverse sex acts with someone of the same sex is alright if you don't break the law. Oh, okay--no, it's not okay. Do you think that some homosexual influence clouded the minds of the translators? Where in the world is that elusive accuracy that IBS is marketing all over the place?
Even people who read the NIV must surely recognize that homosexuality is sin. It is not because they learned it from the NIV. It is because they are old enough to remember what they learned from the King James Bible. And your going to let your kids read this dung called the New International Version?
[Hold the presses! Read here about Dr. Marten Woudstra the dead Sodomite who headed up the NIV Old Testament Committee.]
For more information on the NIV and Virginia Mollenkott the following publications are available from Bible For Today at
- Cassette #2490 Lesbian Virginia Mollenkott Exposed & Her Part on the NIV
- Cassette #2491 Lesbian Virginia Mollenkott-Her Lesbianism & Part in the NIV
- Cassette #0697 Interview With Pro-Lesbian Virginia Mollenkott
- Paper #2319 Lesbian Mollenkott (On NIV Committee) Out of Closet
- Paper #2439 Lesbian Mollenkott Interview on NIV Translation and Homosexuality
- Paper #0518 Women's’ Lib (Evangel.) Refuted – Mollenkott Exposed
- Paper #2298 Sodomy and the NIV—Proper Perspective On the Bible
Thank God for the trustworthy King James Bible!
womankind: it is abomination."
—Leviticus 18:22
What Do the NIV, Satan, and Gay Sex Have in Common?
New International Perversion (NIV EXPOSED!)
NIV same as Jehovah Witness' New World Translation
Chairman of NIV Old Testament Committee, a sodomite
The King James Bible Defended!
God Loves People (All people!)
Sinful Times Ahead for America
Christianity Today is PRO Homosexual
Gay Friendly Christians
(Christianity Today Doesn't Want to Ban Gay Marriage!)
'Bible as hate speech' signed into law
(Canadian measure said to 'chill'
to homosexual behavior)
The Hypocrisy of Anti-Hate Laws
Hooray For Dan Cathy Of “Chick-Fil-A” Restaurants
Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse
Help Protect America's Children — FIGHT the Homosexual and Pedophilia Agenda!
Should Christians Love Their Homosexual Neighbors?
(2005 Movie “HATE CRIME” attempts to demonize
Bible-preaching Christians)
Why Can't My Daddies Get Married?
'Pedophile Priests' and Boy Scouts
The Catholic Church's Abu Ghraib
National Council of Churches Pro Homosexual
Gay Men and Lesbians Utilizing Infertility
Clinics to Have Babies
Who Said That Homosexuality is "Gay"?
Catholic priests are dying of AIDS, often in silence
Report: Priests Hit Hard by Hidden AIDS Epidemic
Catholic Church to Open Its Doors to Gay Priests
783 New Sex Abuse Claims Against
the Catholic Church in 2005!
Homosexuals Want Ernie and Bert to Get Married On TV
Conan O'Brien Officiates Same-Sex Jewish
Marriage on Late Night TV
(America is on the brink of Destruction!)
Vermont Legalizes Sodomite Marriages
Hollywood is Worse Than Sodom!
NAMBLA Exposed!
North American Man/Boy Love Association)
It's No White Picket Fence!
White Was Right!
(Football Player Says Homosexuality is Wrong!)
Homosexuals Target America's Children
Born Gay? ...God Doesn't Make Mistakes!
Homosexuals in San Francisco Stage Riotous Protest at Local Baptist Church
Affirmative Action for Homosexuals?
Reclaiming the Rainbow for God!
Homosexual Child Molester MONSTERS!
Homosexuality and Pedophilia
(Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia)
Socrates was a Pederast Homosexual
GLSEN Teaches Massachusetts Public School Teens How to Have Homosexual "Fist Sex"!
How to Keep Gay Straight Alliance Clubs Out of Your Child's Life
Lesbian Couple Guilty of Gruesome Murder
(4-year old killed for refusing to call his
mother's lesbian lover "daddy")
Homosexuality and Same Sex Marriage
George Michael Urges Gays to Take Religion Seriously
Homosexual Marriage is a Sin!
(The Only Gay Marriage is Between
a Man and a Woman)
Swedish Pastor Sentenced for 'Hate Speech'
Sodom Would Have Repented ...But Not America!!!
Beware of the Catholic Church!
(Homosexual Pedophiles Want to Violate Your Child!)
Homosexual Priests
by Dr. Max D. Younce, Th.D.
Homosexuality is Against Nature’s Order
Homosexuality a Factor in Sex Abuse by Catholic Priests
Homosexuals and the Pedophile Connection
The Homosexualization of America!
Homosexuals Target Children
(Sponge Bob, Barney promote 'gay' tolerance) (61,000 schools to receive "We Are Family"
video with lesson plan)
Report: Pedophilia more common among 'gays'
(Research purports to reveal 'dark side'
of homosexual culture)
Children's Book Portraying Homosexual Romance and Marriage —Read to Second-grade Class by Teacher!
Sayville, New York: Modern Sodom!
(The town is so homosexual that it is commonly referred to as "Gayville")Homosexuality and Psychiatry
(Homosexuality is VERY ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR!)
(Exposed: The Myth That Psychiatry Has Proven
That Homosexual Behavior Is Normal)Public employees teach kids 'gay' sex
(Workshops reportedly instruct youths in
how to perform homosexual acts)
The Communist Subversion of America's Kids!
Baptist Church Embraces Lesbian Minister
The New Oxford Annotated Bible
(New Bible Translation Is Hit With Homosexual Activists)
Dr. Marten Woudstra, Sodomite, Homosexual, and Chairman of the NIV Old Testament Committee!
Why isn't the word "sodomite" in the NIV?
The New International Version and. . . Homosexuality!
Prayers for Bobby Film Distorts God's Love
(Gay rights has nothing to do with
God's love)
Prayers for Bobby Film is Demonic Propaganda
(evil film says teaching that homosexuality is a sin is bigotry and dehumanizing slander)
BEWARE of Conversations With God Series
(Religious book promote lesbianism
to teens and children!)
Jennifer Knapp—Another CCM Singing Homosexual
Beware of CCM Artist, Derek Webb!
Apostate Christian Singer Ray Boltz Comes Out,
Says He is Living a “Normal Gay
God Created Adam and Eve... NOT ADAM AND STEVE!
(God Doesn't Make Mistakes!)
Christian Group Blasts 'Orgy of Depravity'
at Disney's Gay Days
“Gay Day” at Disney World
is EVIL!
(Out of the Closet and Into the Magic
(Windows Media Audio sermon
by Pastor Jeff Owens)
Fistgate (Students given graphic instruction in bizarre
homosexual sex acts by
state employees)
Obama Appoints Sicko GLSEN Founder, Kevin Jennings,
to Head “Safe Schools”
'Parents' No Longer Recognized By Schools
2010 Census Shows 13,000 Same-Sex Couples
Live in Wisconsin
(Woe unto America!)
George Bush Cheers Gay Church!
High Court to Give 'Gays' Their Own 'Roe'?
Education Secretary Blasts PBS for
Cartoon with Gay Characters
Teachings of the Bible on sexual life, its
glories, problems and deliverance
While homosexuals claim they make up 10% of the
population, the reality is
closer to 1-2%
Homosexuality 101: A Primer (.PDF)
(Provides a brief history of the homosexual movement in the U.S. and its roots in Marxist ideology. This paper describes how homosexuals terrorized the psychiatric community and have created a marketing strategy to vilify their opponents.)
Homosexuals Recruit Public School Children (.PDF)
Homosexual Behavior Fuels AIDS and STD Epidemic (.PDF)
A Gender Identity Disorder Goes Mainstream (.PDF)
Homosexual Propaganda Campaign Based on
Hitler’s “Big Lie” Technique (.PDF)
Homosexual Sex = Death from HIV Infection (.PDF)
Traditional Values Coalition Exposes
Homosexual Agenda (.PDF)
GLSEN Fistgate Scandal at Tufts Detailed
By Massachusetts News: Rights Coalition Exposes
GLSEN's Radical Agenda: Teacher Group Targets Kindergartners
Fistgate Teachers Knew They Were Violating Trust
TVC's Executive Director Takes On GLSEN With Bill O'Reilly
The GLSEN The Schools: Association For Research And Therapy Of Homosexuality: Activism In The Schools: Bi/Homosexual Children: Molestation And The Homosexual Movement:
Homosexuality Behavior & Pedophilia:
How To Keep Gay Straight Alliance
Clubs Out Of Your Public School:
Critical Analysis Of GLSEN's Same-Sex
Marriage Curriculum For Teens:
Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!
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