“Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?” ―GOD (Psalm 94:16) JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN!!! “I am the way, the truth, and the life; NO MAN cometh unto the Father, BUT BY ME.” —Jesus Christ (John 14:6)

King James Bible Audio Drama with Music and Sound Effects

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Violence and Homosexuality

Violence and Homosexuality
By Paul Cameron, Ph. D.

Dr. Cameron is Chairman of the Family Research Institute of Colorado Springs, Colorado USA. Click here for more information about this organization. You may contact him at: Family Research Institute, PO Box 62640, Colorado Springs, CO 80962 USA. Phone number: (303) 681-3113.

In 1992 two Jeffersonville, Indiana lesbians, aged 17 and 16, abducted a 12-year-old girl whom they accused of trying to "steal a girlfriend." The little girl was pushed into the trunk of a car, stabbed repeatedly, and beaten with a heavy metal bar. While still struggling, they poured gasoline on her and set her ablaze. Later that year a Fort Lauderdale, Florida 14-year-old was convicted of first-degree murder for helping to kill his 40-year-old father. The father "was stabbed 45 times and beaten so badly with an iron skillet that the skillet shattered." The boy confessed that he helped his father’s former homosexual lover and roommate kill him so he and the 31-year-old "could live together."

These murders fit traditional psychiatric opinion: excessive violence is naturally associated with other forms of social pathology. From this perspective, those who rebel against society’s norms – homosexuals, prostitutes, alcoholics, etc. – are more apt to be violent also. Gay leaders reply that they are not pathological, rebellious, or sexually deviant. They contend that gays are gentle, loving people and that the violence they experience proves that they need special ‘hate crime’ laws to protect them from non-homosexual ‘gay bashers.’

Who’s right? Does the excess of violence naturally well up from within a pathological gay subculture or do outsiders direct it toward homosexuals? Keeping in mind that only about 2%—3% of adults are homosexual or bisexual, (1) let's examine varieties of violence.

Murder and Mass Murder

Although the total number of victims dispatched by a given killer is often in doubt, (e.g., homosexual Henry Lucas claimed that he killed 350), it appears that the modern world record for serial killing is held by a Russian homosexual, Andrei Chikatilo, who was convicted in 1992 of raping, murdering and eating parts of at least 21 boys, 17 women and 14 girls. The pathology of eating one’s sexual victims also characterized Milwaukee's Jeffrey Dahmer in 1992. He not only killed 17 young men and boys, but cooked and ate their body parts.

The top six U.S. male serial killers were all gay:

  • Donald Harvey claimed 37 victims in Kentucky;

  • John Wayne Gacy raped and killed 33 boys in Chicago, burying them under his house and in his yard;

  • Patrick Kearney accounted for 32, cutting his victims into small pieces after sex and leaving them in trash bags along the Los Angeles freeways;

  • Bruce Davis molested and killed 27 young men and boys in Illinois;

  • A gay sex-murder-torture ring (Corll-Henley-Brooks) sent 27 Texas men and boys to their grave; and

  • Juan Corona was convicted of murdering 25 migrant workers (he "made love" with their corpses).

Lesbian Aileen Wuornos laid claim in 1992 to "worst female killer" with at least 7 middle-aged male victims. She single-handedly topped the lesbian nurse team of Catherine Wood and Gwen Graham, who had killed 6 convalescent patients in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

The association between serial murder and homosexuality isn’t recent. Two gays compete for the spot of "world’s worst murderer." During the Nazi reign of terror, Auschwitz executioner Ludwig Tiene strangled, crushed, and gnawed boys and young men to death while he raped them. Though his grand total is uncertain, he often murdered as many as 100 a day. Gilles de Rais (Bluebeard) brutally destroyed the lives of 800 boys. Each lad was lured to his home, bathed and fed. Just as the poor boy thought "this is my lucky day," he was raped, then killed by being ripped or cut apart and either burned or eaten.

A study of 518 sexually-tinged mass murders in the U.S. from 1966 to 1983 determined that 350 (68%) of the victims were killed by those who practiced homosexuality and that 19 (44%) of the 43 murderers were bisexuals or homosexuals.(2)

Though probably less than a majority of mass murderers are homosexual, given that no more than 3% of the populace is gay, homosexual murderers show up much more frequently than one would expect (even Richard Speck engaged in homosexuality). Along with serial murder, there appears to be a connection between homosexuality and murder. Evidence from before the gay rights movement is limited. Of 444 homicides in one jurisdiction from 1955-1973, investigators noted 5 clear "sexual motivation" murders. Three of the 5 involved homosexuality and 2 involved heterosexuality. (3)

Probing more deeply into the connection between murder and homosexuality, Jim Warren, who worked as a counselor at the Washington State Corrections Center, did the intake interview for almost all the younger murderers (i.e., under age 36) in the state of Washington from 1971-82 (during the growth of the gay rights movement). He was "probably the only one who examined the entirety of each of their case files." Warren testified (4) that he was struck with how frequently homosexuality turned up in the cases.

Starting with a trickle of 2 or 3 murders/year in 1972 until dozens/year by the 1980s, he noted a recurrent pattern: Although the motive listed in the report was often robbery or theft, "about 50% of the time" it was also associated with homosexuality. Typically, a homosexual would meet someone at a bar or park and invite him to his home. Before the morning, an argument would ensue and he or his visitor would be dead.

Violent Sexual Practices

A substantial minority of homosexuals (between 22% (5) to 37% (6,7) ) indulge in painful or violent sex (e.g., bondage and discipline [B/D], where the partner is physically restrained and mildly tortured, or sadomasochism [S/M], where partners are tortured or hurt during sex). Even in the 1940s, psychiatrist David Abrahamsen (8) noted, "It is well known that homosexual inclinations may be accompanied by sadistic or masochistic tendencies.... These perversions play a great part in many sexual offenses and in many cases of murder." In a national survey of random samples of homosexuals and heterosexuals, (7) 32% of those males who called themselves homosexual or bisexual versus 5% of heterosexual males reported having engaged in sadomasochism; 17% of lesbians versus 4% of heterosexual women also admitted to S/M. Likewise, gays and lesbians were about four times more apt to engage in bondage than were heterosexuals.

  • Homosexual books and magazines celebrate the "fun" of violent sex. For instance, a Denver gay columnist (the "leathersex fairy"), told his readers how to strangle and flog one’s partner during sex. He also extolled the practice of "hanging from a tree by meat hooks through the pectoral muscles" and described "guys who like to have burning cigars, cigarettes, or matches held near or pressed into their skin." (9) Likewise, national and international gay tour books matter-of-factly list places where sadomasochistic sex can be obtained. (10)

  • In 1993, London gays raised £100,000 to appeal a conviction in which the judge ruled that "sex is no excuse for violence.... Pleasure derived from the infliction of pain is an evil thing." The crime? "Nailing a foreskin and scrotum to a board" and "pouring hot wax in a urethra." (11)

  • The 1980 CBS-TV documentary, Gay Power, Gay Politics reported that about 10% of the accidental deaths among young men in San Francisco resulted from sadomasochistic sex gone awry.


Deliberately Infecting Others During Sex

Gay activists often argue that what consenting adults do in private is nobody else’s business. However, gays have sex with so many different partners (5,6,7) that they increase their risk of getting or transmitting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Indeed, homosexuals are considerably more apt to get STDs than are non-homosexuals. (12)

Most who get an STD decide that they will do all in their power not to infect others. But others – an important minority – decide that they will make their partners suffer as much as they have. As Mirko Grmek (13) noted "every historian of disease knows that such an attitude of vengeance, or at least of recklessness, had contributed in other times to the spread of tuberculosis and syphilis." Limited evidence suggests that, compared to heterosexuals, homosexuals are more apt to harm their sexual partners deliberately. The only comparative study (5,9) on this issue found that about 1% of male and female heterosexuals compared to 7% of gays and 3% of lesbians admitted to deliberately passing on STDs that they had acquired.

When the disease is AIDS, the personal and social costs of deliberate infection are exceptionally high. Several examples of homosexuals who were deliberate spreaders of AIDS have been documented, (13) but the most notorious is that of "patient zero," the Canadian flight attendant who, until his death at age 32, shared his body and infection with 250 men every year. From the late 1970s through the early 1980s he was personally responsible for at least 40 of the first 248 American cases of AIDS and told public health officials in San Francisco it "was nobody else’s business but his own."

There also appears to be a connection between the practice of violent sex and one’s willingness to deliberately infect someone else. Dividing our random national sample (7,12) into those with no interest in homosexual activity (non-H) and those with at least some homosexual interest (H) – and combining males and females – we found that 4.0% of the non-Hs vs. 21.8% of those with at least some homosexual interest said that they had participated in sadomasochism (S/M); 7.8% of the non-Hs admitted to bondage (B/D) vs 27.5% of the Hs. Further, those who had engaged in violent sex of either type were twice as likely to have deliberately attempted to infect a partner than those without such violent experience (see Figure).

In 1992 three London STD clinics reported that almost half of their homosexual patients who knew they were infected with HIV had then gotten rectal gonorrhoea. (14) These gays were not permitting their deadly infection to spoil their sexual fun. By 1993 over 100,000 U.S. gays had died of AIDS and tens of thousands had died of hepatitis B. Most of these had been infected, many deliberately or carelessly, by other homosexuals.

Homosexual Rape

The National Crime Survey (15) reported that about 1 of every 10,000 males over the age of 11 is raped each year (vs 13 of every 10,000 females) – that is, about 7% of rapes are homosexual. In two jurisdictions, Columbia, SC (16) and Memphis, TN, (17) males accounted for 5.7% of the victims of rape reported to authorities – in only one instance was the assailant a woman.

Along with the rise of the gay rights movement, homosexual rape of men appears to have increased in the past few decades. (5,15,16) Homosexual rape is twice as common in urban areas where gays congregate than in suburban or rural areas. (15) It may also be more common where the gay subculture is accepted: a 1970 study in San Francisco found that 9% of male heterosexuals and 24% of gays; 2% of female heterosexuals and 11% of lesbians reported having been homosexually raped. (18) In our 1983 national urban survey (which did not include San Francisco), 1.3% of heterosexual men vs 12.5% of gay men and 0.6% of heterosexual women vs 8.6% of lesbians reported having been homosexually raped. (5,10)

More alarmingly, between 15% to 40% of statutory rape (child molestation) involves homosexuality. (19) In one study, 25% of white gays (18) admitted to sex with boys 16 or younger when they were aged 21 or older.

Rape at any age is violent and emotionally devastating. But it can also edge victims toward homosexuality. In our national study, almost half the lesbians said they had been heterosexually raped – perhaps gravitating to homosexuality because of the experience. Males often react differently. Thus the Masters and Johnson Institute reported that a "25-year-old man had had his first sexual experience when he was 13 years old. It was arranged by his lesbian mother with an older gay man. After that episode, his imagery and interpersonal sexual experience were exclusively homosexual." (20) Likewise, "Mr. K, age 22, felt that his change in sexual preference was related to his having been raped by two men.... After the assault he experienced sexual identity confusion and began engaging voluntarily in homosexual activity. When he was seen for evaluation he labeled himself as openly homosexual." (21)

Impact of Violence On The Homosexual Lifespan

A study of 6,714 obituaries (22) in gay newspapers across the U.S. revealed that 3% of 6,574 gays and 20% of 140 lesbians had died violently:

  • 1.4% of gays and 7% of lesbians were murdered (rates over a hundred times those of non-gays);

  • 0.6% of gays and 5.7% of lesbians committed suicide (rates dozens of times those of non-gays); and

  • 0.6% of gays and 4.3% of lesbians died in motor vehicle accidents (over 17 times the rate of non-gays)

These events, coupled with various STDs (especially AIDS) gotten from other gays, resulted in a median age of death of 40 among gays and a median age of death of 45 among lesbians. In the same study, comparison samples of married men had a median age of death of 75 and married women a median age of death of 79. For divorced or single persons the median age of death was 57 for men and 71 for women.


The ‘hate crimes’ gays complain about are infrequent and seldom involve more than name-calling or snide remarks. The FBI reported 431 hate crimes against homosexuals for the U.S. in all of 1991. Only one was "confirmed" for Washington, D.C. – yet D.C. gay activists claimed 397 incidents! When pressed, they admitted that at least 366 of these "crimes" consisted of "verbal harassment." (23)

In line with traditional psychiatric opinion, violence goes hand-in-hand with the ‘gay’ lifestyle. Almost all the exposure by homosexuals to violence and disease is encountered in the gay subculture. Most of the murderers in the lifespan study whose sexual orientation could be determined were also homosexual. While violence toward homosexuals is deplorable, most violence involving gays is self-induced (and the gay subculture may export more violence than it absorbs from without).

Copyright 1993, Family Research Institute, Inc.

This educational pamphlet has been produced by Family Research Institute, Inc., Dr. Paul Cameron, Chairman. A complete report is available for a donation of $25 in the U.S., $40 foreign, postage included. Other pamphlets in the series include:

Suggested donation for pamphlets: 11 for $10, 25 for $20, 50 for $35, 100 for $50, 500 for $240, 1,000 for $450, postpaid. Remit to:

Family Research Institute
PO Box 62640
Colorado Springs, CO 80962
Phone: (303) 681-3113

The Family Research Report newsletter is $25/year ($40 foreign)

Copyright, 1999, Family Research Institute, Inc.


Homosexuality is a sin

God Loves People (All people!)

Sinful Times Ahead for America

Frightening Gay Statistics

Apostate Pastor Says Gay Ok

The United Way is EVIL!!!

The Bible & The Homosexual

Christianity Today is PRO Homosexual

Gay Friendly Christians
(Christianity Today Doesn't Want to Ban Gay Marriage!)

Hooray For Dan Cathy Of “Chick-Fil-A” Restaurants

Christians Called Ignorant, Prejudiced & Evil For Believing The Bible's Teaching That Homosexuality Is A Sin

Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse

Help Protect America's Children — FIGHT the Homosexual and Pedophilia Agenda!

Should Christians Love Their Homosexual Neighbors?
(2005 Movie “HATE CRIME” attempts to demonize
Bible-preaching Christians)

Why Can't My Daddies Get Married?

Sodomite Ministers

'Pedophile Priests' and Boy Scouts

The Catholic Church's Abu Ghraib

America is Sinfully Proud!

American Family Association

Protest Gay Day!

Gay Marriage is Sin!

Gay Men and Lesbians Utilizing Infertility
Clinics to Have Babies

Who Said That Homosexuality is "Gay"?

783 New Sex Abuse Claims Against
the Catholic Church in 2005!

Homosexuals Want Ernie and Bert to Get Married On TV

Conan O'Brien Officiates Same-Sex Jewish Marriage on Late Night TV (America is on the brink of Destruction!)

Hollywood is Worse Than Sodom!

San Fransicko!

NAMBLA Exposed!
North American Man/Boy Love Association)

It's No White Picket Fence!

White Was Right!
(Football Player Says Homosexuality is Wrong!)

Homosexuals Target America's Children

Born Gay? ...God Doesn't Make Mistakes!

Homosexuals in San Francisco Stage Riotous Protest at Local Baptist Church

Affirmative Action for Homosexuals?

Reclaiming the Rainbow for God!

Bisexuals Are Homosexuals!

Allen Ginsberg: NO Hero!

Homosexual Child Molester MONSTERS!

Homosexuality and Pedophilia
(Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia)

Socrates was a Pederast Homosexual

Pink Angels?

GLSEN Teaches Massachusetts Public School Teens How to Have Homosexual "Fist Sex"!

How to Keep Gay Straight Alliance Clubs Out of Your Child's Life

Lesbian Couple Guilty of Gruesome Murder
(4-year old killed for refusing to call his
mother's lesbian lover "daddy")


Homosexual Liars

Homosexuality and Same Sex Marriage


George Michael Urges Gays to Take Religion Seriously

Homosexual Marriage is a Sin!
(The Only Gay Marriage is Between
a Man and a Woman)

Swedish Pastor Sentenced for 'Hate Speech'


Gay Pride?

Sodom Would Have Repented ...But Not America!!!

Beware of the Catholic Church!
(Homosexual Pedophiles Want to Violate Your Child!)

Homosexual Priests
by Dr. Max D. Younce, Th.D.

Gay Tolerance?

Homosexuality is Against Nature’s Order

Homosexuality a Factor in Sex Abuse by Catholic Priests

Homosexuals and the Pedophile Connection

The Homosexualization of America!

Homosexuals Target Children
(Sponge Bob, Barney promote 'gay' tolerance) (61,000 schools to receive "We Are Family"
video with lesson plan)

Lies about Homosexuality


Report: Pedophilia more common among 'gays'
(Research purports to reveal 'dark side'
of homosexual culture)

Massachusetts MADNESS!

Children's Book Portraying Homosexual Romance and Marriage —Read to Second-grade Class by Teacher!

Sayville, New York: Modern Sodom!
(The town is so homosexual that it is commonly referred to as "Gayville")

Homosexuality and Psychiatry
(Homosexuality is VERY ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR!)
(Exposed: The Myth That Psychiatry Has Proven
That Homosexual Behavior Is Normal)

Public employees teach kids 'gay' sex
(Workshops reportedly instruct youths in
how to perform homosexual acts)

The Communist Subversion of America's Kids!

Baptist Church Embraces Lesbian Minister

The New Oxford Annotated Bible
(New Bible Translation Is Hit With Homosexual Activists)

Dr. Marten Woudstra, Sodomite, Homosexual, and Chairman of the NIV Old Testament Committee!

NIV — Homosexual On Translation Committee!

Why isn't the word "sodomite" in the NIV?

The New International Version and. . . Homosexuality!

Prayers for Bobby Film Distorts God's Love
(Gay rights has nothing to do with God's love)

Prayers for Bobby Film is Demonic Propaganda
(evil film says teaching that homosexuality is a sin is bigotry and dehumanizing slander)

BEWARE of Conversations With God Series
(Religious book promote lesbianism
to teens and children!)

Christian Lesbian Living?

Marsha Stevens

God Created Adam and Eve... NOT ADAM AND STEVE!
(God Doesn't Make Mistakes!)

Sodom and Gomorrah

(Windows Media Audio sermon
by Pastor Jeff Owens)

Hope for Homosexuals

Myths About Homosexuality

Fistgate (Students given graphic instruction in bizarre
homosexual sex acts by state employees)

Obama Appoints Sicko GLSEN Founder, Kevin Jennings,
to Head “Safe Schools” Effort

'Parents' No Longer Recognized By Schools

Was King James a Homosexual?

2010 Census Shows 13,000 Same-Sex Couples
Live in Wisconsin
(Woe unto America!)

PERVERT ALERT! - Pedophile Priests and the Boy Scouts

George Bush Cheers Gay Church!

High Court to Give 'Gays' Their Own 'Roe'?

Education Secretary Blasts PBS for
Cartoon with Gay Characters

Teachings of the Bible on sexual life, its
glories, problems and deliverance

While homosexuals claim they make up 10% of the
population, the reality is closer to 1-2%

Homosexuality 101: A Primer (.PDF)
(Provides a brief history of the homosexual movement in the U.S. and its roots in Marxist ideology. This paper describes how homosexuals terrorized the psychiatric community and have created a marketing strategy to vilify their opponents.)

Homosexuals Recruit Public School Children (.PDF)

Homosexual Behavior Fuels AIDS and STD Epidemic (.PDF)

A Gender Identity Disorder Goes Mainstream (.PDF)

Homosexual Propaganda Campaign Based on
Hitler’s “Big Lie” Technique (.PDF)

Homosexual Sex = Death from HIV Infection (.PDF)

Traditional Values Coalition Exposes
Homosexual Agenda (.PDF)

GLSEN Fistgate Scandal at Tufts Detailed
By Massachusetts News:


Parents Rights Coalition Exposes
GLSEN's Radical Agenda:


Homosexual Teacher Group Targets Kindergartners

Fistgate Teachers Knew They Were Violating Trust


TVC's Executive Director Takes On GLSEN With Bill O'Reilly

The GLSEN Files-SteveKaneShow.com:

Queering The Schools:

National Association For Research And Therapy Of Homosexuality: Activism In The Schools:

Crafting Bi/Homosexual Children:

Child Molestation And The Homosexual Movement:

Homosexuality Behavior & Pedophilia:

How To Keep Gay Straight Alliance
Clubs Out Of Your Public School:


Critical Analysis Of GLSEN's Same-Sex
Marriage Curriculum For Teens:


How does a person get to Heaven?

Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!

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